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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: In 2018, Chris Pressey, the original author of this work, placed it into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense

This document aims to describe Gemooy, an esoteric programming language.

Program structure

A Gemooy program consists of an unbounded two-dimensional grid of cells; each
cell may contain one of three symbols: `@`, `#`, or blank.  A program text may
contain any other symbols, but they are treated as blank cells upon program load.
The symbols `$` and `%` have special meaning; `$` indicates the initial position
of the instruction pointer, `%` indicates the initial position of the data pointer.
All cells outside of the loaded program are considered to contain blanks.

Program state

Pointing into the grid is an instruction pointer.  The instruction pointer is at
any time moving in one of eight directions corresponding to the deltas (dx, dy)
where -1 <= dx <= 1 and -1 <= dy <= 1 and not (dx = 0 and dy = 0).  The
instruction pointer is initially travelling southeast (dx = 1, dy = 1).

Also pointing into the grid is a data pointer.  The cell under the data pointer
can be "incremented", which means:

*   If it is a blank, it becomes a `#`.
*   If it is a `#`, it becomes a `@`.
*   If it is a `@`, it becomes a blank.

Decrementation is the inverse operation.

Program execution

The cells that the instruction pointer passes over are executed.  Executing `@`
causes the direction of the instruction pointer's travel to turn 45 degrees
clockwise if the cell at the data pointer contains a blank, 45 degrees
counterclockwise if the cell at the data pointer contains `#`, or not at all
if the cell at the data pointer contains `@`.

Executing `#` has an effect that depends on direction that the instruction
pointer is travelling:

*   North = Move data pointer one cell north, skip instruction pointer over next cell.
*   East = Move data pointer one cell east, skip instruction pointer over next cell.
*   South = Move data pointer one cell south, skip instruction pointer over next cell.
*   West = Move data pointer one cell west, skip instruction pointer over next cell.
*   Northeast or Northwest = Increment cell at data pointer.
*   Southeast or Southwest = Decrement cell at data pointer.

Executing a blank does nothing.

The program terminates when the instruction pointer travels out of bounds, i.e. away
from the populated grid and into empty space from which it cannot possibly return.