git @ Cat's Eye Technologies DiskSumo / master src / disksumo.bas

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disksumo.bas @masterraw · history · blame

   10 goto 8900
  100 rem --dump disk to rs232--
  110 m=fre(0):m=24576:t=1:s=0:b%=1
  120 open 15,8,15
  130 open 5,8,5,"#"
  160 gosub 8000: rem setup display
  165 print "{home}{grn}ready. start xmodem on other computer";
  170 get#4,a$: if a$<>chr$(nak%) then 170
  175 print "{home}                                      ";
  180 be=val(ti$)
  200 for t=1 to 35
  210 gosub 500: rem calc max sec
  220 gosub 800: rem read track
  230 gosub 700: rem send track
  240 next
  300 print#4, chr$(eot%);
  310 mi=(val(ti$)-be)/100
  320 print "{clr}";mi;"minutes elapsed"
  330 close 15: close 5
  340 return
  400 rem --update display--
  405 poke 55296+(t-1)+40*(s+1), co%
  410 poke 1024+(t-1)+40*(s+1), sy%
  420 return
  500 rem --calc max sec# for trk#t--
  510 if t<=17 then ms%=20: return
  520 if t<=24 then ms%=18: return
  530 if t<=30 then ms%=17: return
  540 ms%=16: return
  700 rem --send trk--
  710 for s=0 to ms%
  720 co%=4:sy%=87: gosub 400
  730 mo=m+s*256: gosub 2000: rem send 1st
  740 co%=10:sy%=87: gosub 400
  750 mo=mo+128: gosub 2000: rem send 2nd
  760 co%=5:sy%=81: gosub 400
  770 next
  799 return
  800 rem ---read trk into m---
  810 gosub 500: rem calc max sec in ms%
  820 for s=0 to ms%
  830 mo=m+s*256: gosub 1000
  840 co%=7:sy%=90: gosub 400
  850 next
  899 return
 1000 rem ---read sec#s, trk#t into mo---
 1010 print#15,"u1";5;0;t;s
 1020 for i=mo to mo+255
 1030 get#5,a$
 1035 if a$="" then a$=chr$(0)
 1040 poke i, asc(a$)
 1050 next
 1060 return
 2000 rem ---send 128 bytes at mo to rs232---
 2005 ck%=0
 2007 print "{home}{yel}b";b%;"{left}      {left}{left}{left}{left}{left}";
 2010 print#4, chr$(soh%);chr$(b%);chr$(255-b%);
 2020 for i=mo to mo+127
 2025 y%=peek(i)
 2030 print#4, chr$(y%);
 2035 ck%=(ck%+y%) and 255
 2040 next
 2045 print#4, chr$(ck%);
 2050 get#4, a$: if a$="" goto 2050
 2055 if a$=chr$(nak%) then print"nak":goto 2005
 2060 if a$<>chr$(ack%) then print"???";asc(a$) :goto 2005
 2070 print "ack"
 2090 b%=b%+1: if b% > 255 then b% = 0
 2099 return
 7000 rem ---terminal---
 7010 print "{clr}{lblu}terminal mode. press ";chr$(95);" to return to menu"
 7020 get#4, a$: if a$="" goto 7040
 7030 print a$;: goto 7020
 7040 get a$:if a$="" goto 7020
 7050 print#4, a$;
 7055 if a$=chr$(95) then return
 7060 goto 7020
 8000 rem set up display
 8010 print "{clr}{red}{down}";
 8020 for i=1 to 17
 8040 next
 8070 for i=1 to 2
 8090 next
 8099 return
 8900 rem ---initialize---
 8910 poke 52,96:poke 56,96:clr
 8920 open 4, 2, 3, chr$(0)+chr$(0)+chr$(61)+chr$(1)
 8930 m=24576:t=1:s=0:b%=1
 8940 soh%=1:eot%=4:ack%=6:nak%=21
 9000 rem ---main menu---
 9010 print "{clr}{cyn}";
 9012 poke 53280, 0: poke 53281, 0
 9020 print "disksumo v1.0, jul 26 2007"
 9025 print "chris pressey, cat's eye technologies"
 9027 print "this program is in the public domain"
 9030 print "{down}{down}{down}";spc(16);"main menu"
 9035 print spc(16);"{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T} {CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}{CBM-T}"
 9040 print "{down}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght} {wht}t{cyn}erminal"
 9045 print "{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght} {wht}d{cyn}irectory"
 9050 print "{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght} {wht}e{cyn}rror status"
 9055 print "{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght} {wht}b{cyn}egin dump"
 9060 print "{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght}{rght} {red}q{cyn}uit"
 9200 get a$: if a$="" goto 9200
 9210 if a$="t" then gosub 7000: goto 9000
 9220 if a$="d" then gosub 10000: goto 9500
 9230 if a$="e" then gosub 12000: goto 9500
 9240 if a$="b" then gosub 100: goto 9500
 9250 if a$="q" then goto 15000
 9490 goto 9000
 9500 print "{wht}press any key to continue";
 9510 get a$: if a$="" goto 9510
 9990 goto 9000
 10000 rem ---directory---
 10010 open 1, 8, 0, "$0": get#1, a$, a$
 10020 get#1, a$, a$: if a$="" then 10060
 10030 get#1, a$, b$: print asc(a$+chr$(0))+asc(b$+chr$(0))*256;
 10040 get#1, a$: if a$="" then print: goto 10020
 10050 print a$;: goto 10040
 10060 close 1: return
 12000 rem ---error status---
 12010 open 14,8,15
 12020 input#14, en, em$, et, es
 12030 print en, em$, et, es
 12040 close 14: return
 15000 rem ---shutdown---
 15010 close 4
 15099 end