# Copyright (c) 2019 Frost Ming
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-X-Marko
Extra elements
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import re
from typing import Any, cast
from marko import block, inline
from marko.source import Source
class Paragraph(block.Paragraph):
_task_list_item_pattern = re.compile(r"(\[[\sxX]\])\s+\S")
override = True
def __init__(self, lines):
m = self._task_list_item_pattern.match(self.inline_body)
if m:
self.checked = m.group(1)[1:-1].lower() == "x"
self.inline_body = self.inline_body[m.end(1) :]
class Strikethrough(inline.InlineElement):
pattern = re.compile(r"(?<!~)(~|~~)([^~]+)\1(?!~)")
priority = 5
parse_children = True
parse_group = 2
class _MatchObj:
def __init__(self, match, start_shift=0, end_shift=0):
self._match = match
self._start_shift = start_shift
self._end_shift = end_shift
def start(self, n=0):
start = self._match.start() + self._start_shift
if n == 0:
return start
return max(start, self._match.start(n))
def end(self, n=0):
end = self._match.end() + self._end_shift
if n == 0:
return end
return min(end, self._match.end(n))
def group(self, n=0):
start = max(self.start(n) - self._match.start(n), 0) or None
end = min(self.end(n) - self._match.end(n), 0) or None
return self._match.group(n)[start:end]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._match, name)
class Url(inline.AutoLink):
www_pattern = re.compile(
email_pattern = r"[\w.\-+]+@[\w.\-]*?\.[\w.\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]"
bare_pattern = re.compile(
r"[^<\s]*|%s(?=[\s.<]|\Z))" % email_pattern
priority = 5
def __init__(self, match):
if self.www_pattern.match(self.dest):
self.dest = "http://" + self.dest
def find(cls, text, *, source):
for match in itertools.chain(
cls.www_pattern.finditer(text), cls.bare_pattern.finditer(text)
domain = match.group(2)
if domain:
parts = domain.split(".")
if len(parts) < 2 or any("_" in p for p in parts[-2:]):
link_text = match.group()
if link_text[-1] in ("?", "!", ".", ",", ":", "*", "_", "~"):
match = _MatchObj(match, end_shift=-1)
elif link_text[-1] == ")" and link_text.count(")") > link_text.count("("):
shift = link_text.count(")") - link_text.count("(")
match = _MatchObj(match, end_shift=-shift)
m = re.search(r"&[a-zA-Z]+;$", link_text)
if m:
match = _MatchObj(match, end_shift=-len(m.group()))
yield match
class Table(block.BlockElement):
"""A table element."""
_prefix = ""
def __init__(self, children: list[TableRow], delimiters: list[str]) -> None:
self.children = children
self.delimiters = delimiters
def head(self) -> TableRow:
return cast(TableRow, self.children[0])
def num_of_cols(self) -> int:
return len(self.head.children)
def match(cls, source):
if not TableRow.match(source) or source.context.is_delimiter:
return False
if TableRow.splitter.search(source.next_line()) is None:
return False
# consume the first row, we don't use source.consume() here
# because that may unexpectedly update the line prefix.
source.pos = source.match.end()
head = TableRow([TableCell(cell) for cell in source.context.cells])
if (
not TableRow.match(source)
or not source.context.is_delimiter
or len(source.context.cells) != len(head.children)
source.reset() # invalid table, revert the source position
return False
source.context.table_info = {
"children": [head],
"delimiters": source.context.cells,
source.consume() # consume the second row
return True
def parse(cls, source):
rv = cls(**source.context.table_info)
with source.under_state(rv):
for d, th in zip(rv.delimiters, rv.head.children):
stripped_d = d.strip()
th.header = True
if stripped_d[0] == ":" and stripped_d[-1] == ":":
th.align = "center"
elif stripped_d[0] == ":":
th.align = "left"
elif stripped_d[-1] == ":":
th.align = "right"
while not source.exhausted:
for e in source.parser._build_block_element_list():
if issubclass(e, (Table, block.Paragraph)):
if e.match(source):
if TableRow.match(source):
return rv
class TableRow(block.BlockElement):
"""A table row element."""
splitter = re.compile(r"\s*(?<!\\)\|\s*")
delimiter = re.compile(r":?-+:?")
virtual = True
def __init__(self, cells: list[TableCell]) -> None:
self.children = cells
def match(cls, source: Source) -> Any:
line = source.next_line()
if not line or not re.match(r" {,3}\S", line):
return False
parts = cls.splitter.split(line.strip())
if parts and not parts[0]:
if parts and not parts[-1]:
if len(parts) < 1:
return False
source.context.cells = parts
source.context.is_delimiter = all(cls.delimiter.match(cell) for cell in parts)
return True
def parse(cls, source: Source) -> TableRow:
parent = cast(Table, source.state)
cells: list[str] = source.context.cells[:]
if len(cells) < parent.num_of_cols:
cells.extend("" for _ in range(parent.num_of_cols - len(cells)))
elif len(cells) > parent.num_of_cols:
cells = cells[: parent.num_of_cols]
cell_elements = [TableCell(cell) for cell in cells]
for head, cell in zip(parent.head.children, cell_elements):
cell.align = cast(TableCell, head).align
return cls(cell_elements)
class TableCell(block.BlockElement):
"""A table cell element."""
virtual = True
def __init__(self, text: str) -> None:
self.inline_body = text.strip().replace("\\|", "|")
self.header = False
self.align: str | None = None