git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Castile / rel_0_1

Tree @rel_0_1 (Download .tar.gz)


This is the reference distribution for Castile, an unremarkable programming language.

The current version of Castile is 0.1. It is not only subject to change, it is pretty much guaranteed to change. I'm only releasing this version because it came to a certain plateau which I wanted to mark as a reference point.

Unlike most of my programming languages, there is nothing that could really be described as innovative or experimental or even particularly unusual about Castile.

Castile is similar, in some ways, to C. It has a type system which can be applied statically, and it has function values, but not closures.

In other ways, it is not so similar. Expressions (statements) within a block must have void type, except the final expression, which is returned as the result of the block. Types of local variables, and return types for functions, do not have to be declared. There is a union type, to which values must be explicitly promoted (with as) and extracted (with typecase ... is.) Local variables are mutable, but arguments and globals are not, and neither are the fields of structs. There are no pointers. Some of these choices were probably influenced in part by Rust.

Also unlike most of my programming languages (with the exceptions of ILLGOL and Bhuna), it was "designed by building" -- I wrote an interpreter, and the language it happens to accept, I called Castile.

I wrote the interpreter in a very short span of time; most of it was done within 24 hours of starting (but consider that I ripped off some of the scanning/parsing code from ALPACA.) A few days later, I extended the implementation to also allow compiling to Javascript.

This document contains what is as close as there is to a specification of the language, in the form of a Falderal test suite. The interpreter and compiler both pass all the tests, but there are known shortcomings in both implementations (trying to use function values as closures is not prohibited and the result is undefined.) The eg directory contains a few example Castile programs, including a string tokenizer.

Future versions of Castile will probably be even more unremarkable, with the "last expression in block" rule disappearing and probably a break statement being added. One avenue that I'd like to explore is making the typechecking phase completely optional (currently the interpreter and compiler rely on some information that the typechecker adds to the AST.)


The grammar is a little weird at points (especially the VarRef production, which includes the possibility of assignment, even though that can really only happen in a Stmt.)

Program ::= {Defn [";"]}.
Defn    ::= "fun" ident "(" [Arg {"," Arg}] ")" Block
          | "struct" ident "{" {ident ":" TExpr [";"]} "}"
          | ident (":" TExpr | "=" Literal).
Arg     ::= ident [":" TExpr].
Block   ::= "{" {Stmt [";"]} "}".
Stmt    ::= "var" ident "=" Expr0
          | "while" Expr0 Block
          | "typecase" VarRef "is" TExpr Block
          | "do" Expr0
          | "return" Expr0
          | If
          | Expr0.
If      ::= "if" Expr0 Block ["else" (Block | If)].
Expr0   ::= Expr1 {("and" | "or") Expr1} ["as" TExpr].
Expr1   ::= Expr2 {(">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "==" | "!=") Expr2}.
Expr2   ::= Expr3 {("+" | "-") Expr3}.
Expr3   ::= Expr4 {("*" | "/") Expr4}.
Expr4   ::= Expr5 {"(" [Expr0 {"," Expr0}] ")" | "." ident}.
Expr5   ::= "make" ident "(" [Expr0 {"," Expr0}] ")"
          | "(" Expr0 ")"
          | "not" Expr1
          | Literal
          | VarRef.
VarRef  ::= ident ["=" Expr0].
Literal ::= strlit
          | ["-"] intlit
          | "fun" "(" [Arg {"," Arg}] ")" Block.
TExpr   ::= "string"
          | "integer"
          | "boolean"
          | "void"
          | "function" "(" [TExpr {"," TExpr}] ")" ":" TExpr
          | "union" "(" [TExpr {"," TExpr}] ")"
          | ident.


-> Tests for functionality "Run Castile Program"


Minimal correct program.

| fun main() {}

A program may evaluate to a value.

| fun main() { 160 }
= 160

The function named main is the one that is evaluated when the program is run.

| fun foobar(a, b, c) { 100 }
| fun main() { 120 }
| fun f() { 140 }
= 120

main should have no formal arguments.

| fun main(a, b, c) {
|   120
| }
? type mismatch

But other functions may.

| fun foobar(a, b) { b }
| fun main() { foobar(100, 200) }
= 200

Defined function names must be unique.

| fun dup() { 1 }
| fun dup() { 2 }
? duplicate

Formal argument names must be unique.

| fun f(g, g) {}
| fun main() { 1 }
? defined

Functions must be defined before they are referenced.

| fun main() { f(7) }
| fun f(g) { g }
? undefined

Either that, or forward-declared.

| f : function(integer): integer
| fun main() { f(7) }
| fun f(g) { g * 2 }
= 14

If forward-declared, types must match.

| f : function(integer): string
| fun main() { f(7) }
| fun f(g) { g * 2 }
? type mismatch

Arguments must match...

| fun f(g, h) { g * 2 + h * 2 }
| fun main() { f(7) }
? argument mismatch

| fun f(g, h) { g * 2 + h * 2 }
| fun main() { f(7,8,9) }
? argument mismatch


Statements are commands that have the type void and are executed for their side-effects. So, in general, statements may not be expressions. The exception is that the last statement in a block may be an expression; the result of that expression is the value of the block.

| fun main() {
|   20 * 8
| }
= 160

| fun main() {
|   20 + 3 * 8;
|   20 * 8
| }
? type mismatch

Another way to get around this is do, which discards the result.

| fun main() {
|   do 20 + 3 * 8;
|   20 * 8
| }
= 160

An if/else lets you make decisions.

| fun main() {
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     70
|   } else {
|     80
|   }
| }
= 70

An if need not have an else.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 60
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 70
|   }
|   a
| }
= 70

If an if does not have an else, it typechecks to void.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 60
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 70
|   }
| }

If an if does have an else, the two branches must have same type.

| fun main() {
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     60
|   } else {
|     "what"
|   }
| }
? type mismatch

| fun main() {
|   if 3 < 2 {
|     60
|   } else {
|     70
|   }
| }
= 70

If an if does have an else, the part after else must be either a block (already shown) or another if.

| fun main() {
|   if 2 > 3 {
|     60
|   } else if 4 > 5 {
|     0
|   } else {
|     1
|   }
| }
= 1

No dangling else problem.

| fun main() {
|   if 2 > 3 {
|     60
|   } else if 4 < 5 {
|     0
|   } else {
|     1
|   }
| }
= 0

while loops.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 0 var b = 4
|   while b > 0 {
|     a = a + b
|     b = b - 1
|   }
|   a
| }
= 10

A while itself evaluates to null.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 0; var b = 4;
|   while b > 0 {
|     a = a + b;
|     b = b - 1;
|   }
| }



| fun main() {
|   2 + 3 * 4  /* not 20 */
| }
= 14

Unary negation.

| fun main() {
|   -3
| }
= -3

| fun main() {
|   2+-3
| }
= -1

Minus sign must be right in front of a number.

| fun main() {
|   -(4)
| }
? Expected

Unary not.

| fun main() {
|   not (4 > 3)
| }
= False

Precedence of unary not.

| fun main() {
|   not true or false
| }
= False

| fun main() {
|   not 3 > 4
| }
= True

Local Variables

Local variables.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 6;
|   var b = 7;
|   a + b
| }
= 13

Local variable names must be unique.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 6;
|   var a = 7;
|   a + b
| }
? shadows

Local variables can be assigned functions.

| fun ancillary(x) { x * 2 }
| fun main() {
|   var a = ancillary;
|   a(7)
| }
= 14

Local variables can be assigned.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 6;
|   a = a + 12;
|   a
| }
= 18

| fun main() {
|   var a = 6;
|   a = 99;
|   a
| }
= 99

| fun main() {
|   var a = 6;
|   z = 99;
|   a
| }
? undefined

| fun main() {
|   var z = 6;
|   a
| }
? undefined

Assignment, though it syntactically may occur in expressions, has a type of void, so it can only really happen at the statement level.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 0; var b = 0;
|   a = b = 9;
| }
? type mismatch

Locals may not be shadowed in an inner block.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 0;
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     var a = 7;
|   }
|   a
| }
? shadows

Blocks have block scope.

| fun main() {
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     var a = 7;
|   }
|   a
| }
? undefined

Variables in upper scopes may be modified.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 0
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     a = 4;
|   }
|   a
| }
= 4

Two scopes, same name, different types.

| fun main() {
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     var a = 4;
|   }
|   if 3 > 2 {
|     var a = "hello";
|   }
|   61;
| }
= 61

Non-local Values

Literals may appear at the toplevel. Semicolons are optional at toplevel.

| factor = 5;
| fun main() {
|   6 * factor
| }
= 30

Toplevel literals may not be updated.

| factor = 5
| fun main() {
|   factor = 7
| }
? cannot assign

Toplevel literals may not be shadowed.

| factor = 5;
| fun main() {
|   var factor = 7;
|   6 * factor
| }
? shadows

Toplevel literals may be function literals (the syntax we've been using is just sugar.)

| main = fun() {
|   7
| }
= 7

Truth and falsehood are builtin toplevels.

| fun main() {
|   true or false
| }
= True

| fun main() {
|   false and true
| }
= False

So is null, which is the single value of void type.

| fun wat(x: void) { 3 }
| fun main() {
|   wat(null)
| }
= 3

More on Functions

Function arguments may not be updated.

| fun foo(x) {
|   x = x + 14;
|   x
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(7)
| }
? cannot assign

Factorial can be computed.

| factorial : function(integer): integer
| fun factorial(a) {
|   if a == 0 {
|     1
|   } else {
|     a * factorial(a - 1)
|   }
| }
| fun main() {
|   factorial(6)
| }
= 720

Literal functions.

| fun main() {
|   var inc = fun(x) { x + 1 };
|   inc(7)
| }
= 8

| fun main() {
|   fun(x){ x + 1 }(9)
| }
= 10

| fun main() {
|   var a = 99;
|   a = fun(x){ x + 1 }(9);
|   a
| }
= 10

Functions can be passed to functions and returned from functions.

| fun double(x) { x * 2 }
| fun triple(x) { x * 3 }
| fun apply_and_add_one(f:function(integer):integer, x) { f(x) + 1 }
| fun select(a) { if a > 10 { double } else { triple } }
| fun main() {
|   var t = select(5);
|   var d = select(15);
|   var p = t(10);
|   apply_and_add_one(d, p)
| }
= 61

return may be used to prematurely return a value from a function.

| fun foo(y) {
|   var x = y
|   while x > 0 {
|     if x < 5 {
|       return x;
|     }
|     x = x - 1;
|   }
|   17
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(10) + foo(0)
| }
= 21

Type of value returned must jibe with value of function's block.

| fun foo(x) {
|   return "string";
|   17
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(10) + foo(0)
| }
? type mismatch

Type of value returned must jibe with other return statements.

| fun foo(x) {
|   if x > 0 {
|     return "string";
|   } else {
|     return 17
|   }
| }
| fun main() {
|   foo(10) + foo(0)
| }
? type mismatch


Some standard functions are builtin and available as toplevels.

| fun main() {
|   var a = "hello";
|   var b = len(a);
|   while b > 0 {
|     print(a);
|     b = b - 1;
|     a = substr(a, 1, b)
|   }
| }
= hello
= ello
= llo
= lo
= o

The + operator is not string concatenation. concat is.

| fun main() {
|   "hello " + "world"
| }
? type mismatch

| fun main() {
|   concat("hello ", "world")
| }
= 'hello world'

The builtin toplevels are functions and functions need parens.

| fun main() {
|   print "hi"
| }
? type mismatch

Note that the above was the motivation for do. If non-void exprs could be used anywhere, that would just throw away the function value print (b/c semicolons are optional) and return 'hi'. Observe:

| fun main() {
|   do print "hi"
| }
= 'hi'

Struct Types

Record types. You can define them:

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {}

And make them:

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", 23);
|   j
| }
= ('Jake', 23)

Structs must be defined somewhere.

| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", 23);
|   j
| }
? undefined

Structs need not be defined before use.

| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", 23);
|   j
| }
| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
= ('Jake', 23)

Structs may contain structs which don't exist. (Surprisingly. Might just leave this in.)

| struct person { name: string; age: foobar }
| main = fun() { 333 }
= 333

| struct person { name: string; age: foobar }
| main = fun() { make person("Jake", 23) }
? type mismatch

Types must match when making a struct.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", "Old enough to know better");
|   j
| }
? type mismatch

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake");
|   j
| }
? argument mismatch

| struct person { name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   make person("Jake", 23);
| }
? argument mismatch

Structs can be passed to functions.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| fun wat(bouncer: person) { bouncer }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", 23);
|   wat(j)
| }
= ('Jake', 23)

Structs have name equivalence, not structural.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| struct city { name: string; population: integer }
| fun wat(hometown: city) { hometown }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", 23);
|   wat(j)
| }
? type mismatch

Struct fields must all be unique.

| struct person { name: string; name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", "Smith");
| }
? defined

Values can be retrieved from structs.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| fun age(bouncer: person) { bouncer.age }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", 23);
|   age(j)
| }
= 23

| struct person { name: string }
| fun age(bouncer: person) { bouncer.age }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake");
|   age(j)
| }
? undefined

Different structs may have the same field name in different positions.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| struct city { population: integer; name: string }
| main = fun() {
|   var j = make person("Jake", 23);
|   var w = make city(600000, "Winnipeg");
|   print(
|   print(
|   0
| }
= Jake
= Winnipeg
= 0

Can't define the same struct multiple times.

| struct person { name: string; age: integer }
| struct person { name: string; age: string }
| fun main() { 333 }
? duplicate

Structs may refer to themselves.

| struct recursive {
|   next: recursive;
| }
| fun main() { 333 }
= 333

| struct odd {
|   next: even;
| }
| struct even {
|   next: odd;
| }
| fun main() { 333 }
= 333

But you can't actually make one of these infinite structs.

| struct recursive {
|   next: recursive;
| }
| fun main() { make recursive(make recursive("nooo")) }
? type mismatch

Union Types

Type promotion has a very low precedence, and can be applied to any expression.

| fun main() {
|   var a = 20;
|   var b = 30;
|   a + b as integer
| }
? bad cast

| fun main() {
|   var a = 20;
|   var b = 30;
|   a + b as union(string, void)
| }
? bad cast

| fun main() {
|   var a = 20;
|   var b = 30;
|   a + b as union(integer, string)
| }
= ('integer', 50)

Union types.

| fun foo(a, b: union(integer, string)) {
|   a + 1
| }
| main = fun() {
|   var a = 0;
|   a = foo(a, 333 as union(integer, string));
|   a = foo(a, "hiya" as union(integer, string));
|   a
| }
= 2

The typecase construct can operate on the "right" type of a union.

| fun foo(a, b: union(integer, string)) {
|   var r = a;
|   typecase b is integer {
|     r = r + b;
|   };
|   typecase b is string {
|     r = r + len(b);
|   };
|   r
| }
| main = fun() {
|   var a = 0;
|   a = foo(a, 333 as union(integer, string));
|   a = foo(a, "hiya" as union(integer, string));
|   a
| }
= 337

This is a very strange case in the language. Thankfully, assignment typechecks as void, without any automatic promotion to the union type...

| fun foo(b: union(integer, void)) {
|   var a = b;
|   typecase a is integer {
|     print("yes it's an integer");
|   }
|   typecase a = 7 as union(integer, void) is void {
|     print("yes it's void too");
|   }
| }
| main = fun() {
|   foo(7 as union(integer, void))
| }
? void not a union

Struct Types + Union Types

Union types may be used to make fields "nullable", so that you can actually make finite, recursive data types.

| struct list {
|   value: string;
|   next: union(list, integer);
| }
| main = fun() {
|   make list("first", make list("second", 0 as union(list, integer)) as union(list, integer))
| }
= ('first', ('struct list', ('second', ('integer', 0))))

Commit History @rel_0_1 git clone