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This is the reference distribution for Burro, a formal programming language whose programs form a group (an algebraic structure from group theory). The precise sense of this statement is explained in the accompanying document The Sense in which Burro Programs form a Group, but the following can be taken as a high-level summary: For every Burro program text, there exists an "annihilator" program text which, when concatenated to the original program text, forms a "no-op" program.
The current version of the Burro language is 2.0, and is defined by the
Literate Haskell file Language/Burro/Definition.lhs
in the src
directory, which also serves as the reference implementation
of the language.
Note: In some repository viewers (such as Codeberg), viewing the contents of the
directory src/Language/Burro/
will rendering the definition with the Markdown formatting within the Literate
Haskell file nicely formatted, making it more readable.
- 2005: The author, already familiar with brainfuck and starting to learn about group theory and seeing some similarities between them, gets some ideas about how they could be combined.
- 2007: Burro language version 1.0 is released. Its documentation
can still be found in the file
. - 2010(?): It is noticed and pointed out by ais523 and others that the set of Burro 1.0 programs does not actually form a group.
- 2010: Burro language version 2.0 is designed and released, along with a proof that its programs do form a group, and a proof that the language is Turing-complete.
- June 2020: A more mathematical explanation of the sense in which Burro programs form a group is written up. It can be found in the document The Sense in which Burro Programs form a Group.
- July 2020: It is noticed and pointed out (by whom?) that the proof of Turing-completeness distributed with Burro 2.0 is incorrect — it only holds for very small Turing machines. In response to this, a new extensible conditional idiom is developed for Burro code, with the aim of supporting a correct proof of its Turing-completeness.
- 2025: A minor variant of Burro called Kondey — basically a syntactic sugar for the extensible conditional idiom — is designed, again to support the construction of a new Turing-completeness proof.
Commit History
git clone
- Add --tape-display-width option and update test cases. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Add --tape-chunk-size flag, to specify this during debugging. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Trim unnecessary e's from Burro generated by Kondey compiler. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Add some more simple example programs (Kondey compiled to Burro). Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Highlight the current tape cell within the current chunk. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Display tape in chunks in Debugger. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Copy in function for rendering tape, which we will improve. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Improve debugger visualization, again. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Improve debugger visualization. Chris Pressey 12 days ago
- Rewrite Debugger functions w/monad stack, and track tape position. Chris Pressey 13 days ago