Welcome to the NEW Befunge-93 Reference Distribution
Since bef
is a reference implementation (so far as it goes) of Befunge-93,
we saw fit to once again combine the specification and implementation into a
single distribution.
About Befunge-93
Befunge-93 is an esoteric programming language where the program exists in a two-dimensional grid of cells, where each cell contains a single instruction, and execution can proceed in any cardinal direction across this grid -- not just left-to-right, but also right-to-left, top-to-bottom, and bottom-to-top.
For more information, see the Befunge-93 specification in the doc
: these post-modernist existential rantsLICENSE
: a bedtime story written to give your lawyer sweet dreamsdoc/Befunge-93.markdown
: the specification for Befunge-93, such as it issrc/bef.c
: Befunge-93 reference interpreter/debugger v2.22 source codesrc/bef2c.c
: Befunge-93 to ANSI C compiler v0.94 source codesrc/befprof.c
: Befunge-93 profiler v0.94 source codeeg/*
: Various and sundry contributed Befunge-93 programs
For More Information
See Cat's Eye Technologies' official Befunge-93 Project Page.
Happy Befunging!
Chris Pressey
Winnipeg, Manitoba
August 25, 2012
Commit History
git clone https://git.catseye.tc/Befunge-93/
- Convert example source index to Markdown. catseye 12 years ago
- Add Keymaker's Befunge programs, with his kind permission. catseye 12 years ago
- Clarify license terms for the PD and FR parts of the distribution. catseye 12 years ago
- In the index of examples, note which ones are under CC0. catseye 12 years ago
- Put more example programs under CC0, with Dmitry's kind permission. catseye 12 years ago
- Place the documentation under a Haskell-98-Report-style license. catseye 12 years ago
- Put another example program under CC0, with aturley's kind permission. catseye 12 years ago
- Put more example programs under CC0, with Wim's kind permission. catseye 12 years ago
- Add Wim Rijnders' befbef2.bf (bugfixed version of befbef.bf). catseye 12 years ago
- Added tag rel_2_23_2012_0825 for changeset 13ffb9982730 catseye 12 years ago