git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Befunge-93 / master historic / prehistoric / example_progs.txt

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/* Example Befunge program. */

/ not a comment /
* nor is this   ~


%aggregate    (mine):();
%agg (mine):();

/* This is an example .b (Befunge) file to shove through toy. */

#debug on   /*  We'll turn on debugging, as it's the only thing that works :-)
#define one_thing another_thing

#debug off  /*  Turn debugging off to test it */
#define cheese wine  /* should not cause a 'definition' hit */

#debug on

%aggr(name):(/* This is just a test for comment removal*/);
%aggregate (rank):();
%fun (serialnumber):();

/* Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HA!  This is befunged.  Totally, completely. */



    toy parser for Befunge.

    usage : toy <file.b

    Should take objects in the form of %xxx():(), comments in the form of
    c comments */ /* and Befunge directives in the form #string.

    Jan 1993 Chris Pressey


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define NAME_SIZE  30

#define OBJ_UNKNOWN 0
#define OBJ_AGG     1
#define OBJ_FUN     2
#define OBJ_COD     3
#define OBJ_INT     4

#define OBJs_AGG    'agg'
#define OBJs_FUN    'fun'
#define OBJs_COD    'cod'
#define OBJs_INT    'int'

typedef struct bfobject
               { char       *name;
                 int         objtype;
          struct bfobject   *next;
          struct bfobject   *child;    } *objhead;

int  glob_putback;
char glob_putback_char;

/* get the next character from the input stream, allow virtual putback */

char ygetchar()
  char ch;
  if (glob_putback)
    glob_putback = 0;
    return (glob_putback_char);
  } else
    scanf("%c", &ch);           /* gotta love those segmentation faults */
    glob_putback_char = ch;
    return (ch);

/* virtually put the last character read back into the input stream */

void putback()
  glob_putback = 1;

/* get the next character from the input stream, ignore */ /* comments */

char bgetchar()
  char ch;
  int done;

  ch = ygetchar();
  if (ch=='/')
    ch = ygetchar();
    if (ch=='*')   
      ch = ygetchar();
      done = 0;
        for(;!(ch=='*');) { ch = ygetchar(); }
        ch = ygetchar();
        done = (ch=='/');
      ch = ygetchar();
  return (ch);

/* get a word (series of alpha chars) from the input stream */
void getword(word, length) char *word; int length;
  char ch;

  strcpy (word, "");
  ch = bgetchar();
  while((isalpha(ch)) && (strlen(word)<length))
    word[strlen(word)+1] = (char)0;
    word[strlen(word)] = ch;
    ch = bgetchar();
    ch = bgetchar();

/* skip white spaces */
void skipwhite()
  char ch;
  ch = bgetchar();
  while (isspace(ch))
    ch = bgetchar();

/* Debug */
int ddebug;
void ydebug(name) char *name;
  if (ddebug) { printf("%s\n",name); }

/* read and display a directive.  check for legality (??) */
void readdirective()
  char *dir;
  char *oof;
  char ch;
  int  i;

  dir = (char *)malloc(5);
  oof = (char *)malloc(5);
  getword (dir, 3);
  if (!strcmp(dir, "def"))
    ydebug("Definition directive");
  } else
  if (!strcmp(dir, "deb"))
    getword (oof, 3);
    if (ddebug)
      printf("DEBUG ON\n");
      } else
      printf("DEBUG OFF\n");
  } else
    printf("error : unknown directive : %s\n", dir);

/* read and display an object.    check for legality (??) */
void readobject()
  char *obj;
  char ch;
  int  i;   
  obj = (char *)malloc(5);
  getword (obj, 3);
  if (!strcmp(obj, "agg"))
    ydebug("Aggregate object");
  } else
  if (!strcmp(obj, "fun"))
    ydebug("Function object");
  } else
  if (!strcmp(obj, "cod"))
    ydebug("Code object");
  } else
  if (!strcmp(obj, "int"))
    ydebug("Integer object");
  } else
    printf("error : unknown object : %s\n", obj);

/* MAIN */
int main()
  char ch;

  glob_putback = 0;
  glob_putback_char = (char)0;
  ddebug = 0;

    ch = bgetchar();
    if (ch=='#')
    if (ch=='%')