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; Simple support for unification & pattern matching
; Chris Pressey, late January 2006
; This work is in the public domain.  See the file UNLICENSE for more
; information.

; Return #t if the given pattern is a variable, #f otherwise.
(define pattern-var?
  (lambda (pattern)
    (vector? pattern)))                                   ; just check that it is a vector

; Return the name of the given pattern variable.
(define get-pattern-var-name
  (lambda (pattern-var)
    (vector-ref pattern-var 0)))                          ; just return the 1st element of the vector

; Return the optional predicate associated with the given pattern
; variable, which determines what kind of (Scheme) terms it can
; unify with.  If no predicate is associated with the variable,
; a dummy always-true predicate is returned.
(define get-pattern-var-pred
  (lambda (pattern-var)
    (cond ((< (vector-length pattern-var) 2)
            (lambda (x) #t))
            (let ((term-type (vector-ref pattern-var 1)))
              (cond ((eqv? term-type 'num)
                      (lambda (x) (number? x)))
                    ((eqv? term-type 'sym)
                      (lambda (x) (symbol? x)))
                      (lambda (x) #f))))))))

; Register that the named pattern variable should be associated with the given
; term in the given unifier.  A new unifier containing the new variable-term
; association will be returned if possible; if it is not possible (i.e. the
; variable is already bound to a different term,) #f is returned.
(define bind-pattern-var
  (lambda (term pattern unifier)
    (let* ((var-name  (get-pattern-var-name pattern))
           (var-pred? (get-pattern-var-pred pattern))
           (pair      (assq var-name unifier)))
         ((not (var-pred? term))
         ((not (pair? pair))                    ; if it's not in unifier,
           (cons (cons var-name term) unifier)) ; add it up front
         ((eqv? (cdr pair) term) ; already bound to the given term: alright
         (else                   ; already bound to something else: not good

; Helper function.
; Given a term and a pattern, where we know both are lists,
; fold over both of them, unifying all the corresponding elements.
(define unify-lists
  (lambda (term pattern unifier)
    (cond ((and (null? term) (null? pattern))  ; end of both
          ((or (null? term) (null? pattern))   ; end of one but not the other
            (let ((new-unifier (unify (car term) (car pattern) unifier)))
              (if new-unifier
                (unify-lists (cdr term) (cdr pattern) new-unifier)

; Return #f if the term does not unify with the pattern,
; or a list of substitutions if it does unify.
(define unify
  (lambda (term pattern unifier)
    (cond ((pattern-var? pattern)
            (bind-pattern-var term pattern unifier))
          ((and (list? term) (list? pattern))
            (unify-lists term pattern unifier))
          ((eqv? term pattern)

; Given a pattern and a unifier (set of substitutions,) return a term
; where all the variables in the pattern have been replaced by their
; associated term in the unifier.
(define expand-vars
  (lambda (pattern unifier)
    (cond ((pattern-var? pattern)      ; variable - replace if in unifier
            (let* ((pair (assq (get-pattern-var-name pattern) unifier)))
              (cond ((pair? pair)
                      (cdr pair))
          ((list? pattern)             ; list - recurse
            (map (lambda (subpattern)
                   (expand-vars subpattern unifier))
          (else                        ; ground term - leave it alone.