git @ Cat's Eye Technologies kinoje / 2dfd9da
Bump version number. Chris Pressey 7 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 kinoje
11 ======
3 *Version 0.2. Subject to backwards-incompatible changes without notice.*
3 *Version 0.3. Subject to backwards-incompatible changes without notice.*
55 **kinoje** is a templating-based animation tool. A provided template is filled out once for each
66 frame of the animation; the result of the template expansion is used to create a still image; and
1212 The following are required:
14 * **Python** 2.7 — to run the script
14 * **Python** 2.7 or 3.x — to run the script
1515 * **PyYAML** and **Jinja2** — to fill out the templates
1616 * something to create images from filled-out templates — typically **POV-Ray** or **Inkscape**
1717 * **ffmpeg** or **ImageMagick** — to compile the images into a movie file