The Treacle Programming Language
Language version 1.0.
Chris Pressey, Cat's Eye Technologies
Treacle is a programming language based on an extended form of term-rewriting which we shall call, somewhat inaccurately (or at least arbitrarily,) context rewriting.
Like Arboretuum, its successor built around forest-rewriting, Treacle was intended as a language for specifying compilers. Treacle is somewhat more successful at pulling it off, however; context rewriting encompasses, and is more expressive than, forest-rewriting.
Context rewriting is meant to refer to the fact that Treacle's rewriting patterns may contain holes – designated "containers" for subpatterns which may match not just the immediate child of the term which the parent pattern matched (as in conventional term-rewriting) but also any one of that child's descendents, no matter how deeply nested.
When a hole is matched to some term, that term is searched for the subpattern given inside the hole. The search may be performed in either leftmost-innermost or leftmost-outermost order; this is specified by a qualifier associated with the hole. Because of this, Treacle need not specify a language-wide reduction order; the hole construct acts as a kind of search operator which explicitly encodes search order into each pattern.
Context rewriting also deconstructs the conventional concept of the variable, splitting it into a name and a wildcard. Any pattern or subpattern may be named, not just wildcards. Even holes may be named. At the same time, wildcards, which match arbitrary terms, may occur unnamed. Upon a successful match, only those terms which matched named patterns are recorded in the unifier.
Further, each rule in Treacle may contain multiple terms (replacements) on the right-hand side of a rewriting rule, and each of these may have its own name. When the term undergoing rewriting (called the subject) is rewritten, each named replacement is substituted into the subject at the position matched by the part of the pattern that is labelled by that same name.
Lastly, replacements may contain special atomic terms called newrefs. When a newref is written into the subject, it takes the form of a new, unique symbol, guaranteed (or at least reasonably assumed) to be different from all other symbols that are in, or could be in, the subject. When multiple newrefs (possibly in multiple replacements) in the same rule are written into the subject at the same time (i.e., on the same rewriting step,) they all take the same form (and so are equal to each other, and only to each other – nothing else.) In Treacle's capacity as a compiler-definition language, newrefs are useful for generating internal labels for, e.g., translating control structures to machine code jumps.
It is important to remember that, while subpatterns may be nested in holes, and these may in turn contain more holes, there is no corresponding hierarchical nature to the bindings which occur in Treacle patterns: all variables of the same name must unify to equivalent terms, regardless of where they occur in the pattern (inside or outside a hole.)
We're almost ready to give some examples to elucidate all this, but first we need a syntax to give them in. Here it is:
- atoms are denoted by strings of lower-case letters;
- terms are denoted by lists of subterms inside parentheses;
- named terms are denoted by
(? name subterm)
; - holes are denoted by
(:i subterm)
or(:o subterm)
, corresponding to innermost and outermost search order, respectively; - wildcards are denoted by
; - newrefs are denoted by
; and - named replacements are denoted
X : term
Now we are ready to give some examples.
- The pattern
(a b (? X *))
matches(a b (c (d b)))
, with the unifierX=(c (d b))
. Also,(a (? Y *) (c (d (? Y *))))
matches the same subject withY=b
. This is all quite conventional. - We can also match
(a (? X b) *)
to this subject. The unifier will always beX=b
when this pattern matches, regardless of the subject. This tells us nothing we did not already know. But it demonstrates the decoupling of names and wildcards in Treacle. (It will also become useful when we get to replacements, since that atomicb
term named byX
can be supplanted by something: we have named not just a subterm, but a location in the subject.) - The pattern
(a b (:i (d b)))
matches the subject as well. Observe how the hole allowed(d b)
to be sought inside the subterm at the location where the hole matched. Note also that the pattern would just as easily match the subject(a b (w x (w y (w z (d b)))))
, because it doesn't matter how deep(d b)
is embedded in the subterm. - If the pattern included a name, like
(a b (? X (:i (d b))))
, the match with the subject would result in the unifierX=(c (d b))
. Likewise, the pattern(a b (:i (? X (d b))))
would match the subject with the unifierX=(d b)
. - The pattern
(a (? X *) (:i (d (? X *))))
also matches the subject, with the unifierX=b
. This is a good example of the expressive power of pattern-matching in Treacle: we are basically asking to search the contents of the 3rd subterm, for whatever the 2nd subterm is.
- Say we have a rule where the pattern is
(a b (:i (? X (d b))))
, and the lone replacement isX : a
. This rule would match the original subject(a b (c (d b)))
, unifying withX=(d b)
, and would rewrite the subject to(a b (c a))
. - Or, say our rule's pattern is
(a (? Y *) (:i (? X (d *))))
, and the set of replacements is {X : (? Y)
,Y : (? X)
}. This rule would also match the subject, with a unifier of {X=(d b)
}, and would rewrite the subject to(a (d b) (c b))
. Again, notice the expressivity of this rule: we're basically asking Treacle to swap whatever occurs next to thea
, with whatever occurs alongside ad
somewhere inside the term that occurs next to that.
We can think of the mechanism by which context rewriting is undertaken, as follows.
We pattern-match "as usual": recursively traverse the pattern and the subject. Where there are literals in the pattern, we make sure those same values appear in the subject, in the same place. Where there are named subpatterns in the pattern, we bind the name to the position in the subject, and insert that binding into a unifier, before trying to match the subpattern to that position. (We do an occurs check first, to make sure that the name isn't already bound to something else.)
Note that we bind the name, not to a subterm in the subject, but to a position in the subject. If you like, you can think of context rewriting building a "unifier by reference" rather than the rather more conventional "unifier by value". This is useful, because the presence of holes means that we will have more of a need to know where we want to install a replacement.
When we encounter a hole in the pattern, we take the subpattern that appears in the hole and begin searching for that subpattern in the subterm of the subject whose position corresponds to the hole. We pass this subsearch our unifier (so that it can use the variable bindings already established for occurs checks.) If the subsearch fails to match, then we also fail to match. If the subsearch succeeds, we continue the pattern-matching process with the unifier it produced.
If everything succeeds, we have a unifier. We go through the replacements, look up the name of each replacement in the unifier to find the location in the subject where it matched, expand all the variable names in the replacement with the contents of the unifier, and "poke" the expanded replacement into the subject at the location.
Like Arboretuum, there is a reference implementation of Treacle in relatively pure Scheme, meant to normatively fill in any gaps in the description of the language given in this document.
You may wonder, why forest-rewriting, or context rewriting? To be sure, it does not add any computational power to term-rewriting, which is already Turing-complete. But it does add a significant amount of expressiveness. While this expressiveness seems to come at a signficant cost (at least, as imagined in a naïve implementation,) there are two advantages it might provide, one practical and one theoretical, which I'll get to in a second.
The idea latent in forest-rewriting, which I didn't explain too well in the Arboretuum documentation, is to partition the subject. Context rewriting continues and generalizes this idea; while in forest-rewriting it is obvious what the partitions are (named trees in a forest,) in context-rewriting, the partitions would be subterms of some given term (for example, the top-level term.) An engine implementing context-rewriting might need some supplementary information or deductive ability in order to "see" and exploit the partitions, but they could nonetheless be identified.
One major effect of partitioning is to ease the locality constraint. If you've ever tried programming in pure term-rewriting, you notice that you have to "keep all your state together": if there are multiple pieces of information in the tree of terms that relate to the reduction you want to accomplish, they have to be in a bounded distance from, and in a fixed relationship with, each other. If some piece is far away, it will have to be brought to bear on the situation – literally brought, by moving it through the tree through successive "bubbling" rewrites.
Forest-rewriting eases this by having multiple independent trees: some piece of information can be anywhere in some other tree. Context rewriting eases it by having holes in which the piece of information can be found anywhere.
Partitioning the subject could have the practical benefit of improving locality of reference in the rewriting engine. Each partition can reside in its own memory buffer which is fixed in some way, for example in one or more cache lines. Since we don't need to "bubble" information through the term, each partition can stay in its own cached area, and we should see fewer cache misses.
Partitioning the subject could also have the theoretical benefit of
making it easier to prove that the rewriting terminates. If you look
through some of the unit tests in tests.scm
, you might notice that
some of them go to some lengths to avoid rewriting certain trees to
anything larger than they were. The size of each partition is then
monotonically decreasing, and so it will eventually "run out", at which
point the rewriting process must of course terminate. We might not be
able to achieve the ideal case where, on each rewrite, at least one of
the partitions shrinks and the rest stay the same size. The closer we
can come to it, however, the less burdensome should be the task of
proving that the entire system terminates, because many of the cases
should be trivial.
Happy whacky rewriting all sorts of fun ways!
Chris Pressey
Chicago, Illinois
April 12, 2008
Commit History
git clone
- Move BSD license to 2-clause, update copyright year, use REUSE 3.2. Chris Pressey 6 months ago
- Added tag rel_1_0_2014_0819 for changeset fbc9329bb1a3 Chris Pressey 10 years ago
- Test with csi. csi is picky about quoting literal vectors... Cat's Eye Technologies 10 years ago
- Until it's fixed, use a R5RS that doesn't have Racket bug 12873. Cat's Eye Technologies 11 years ago
- Don't absorb error from missing plt-r5rs. Cat's Eye Technologies 11 years ago
- Add test driver script. Apparently, some tests aren't passing... Cat's Eye Technologies 11 years ago
- Add license information in separate file. catseye 12 years ago
- Markdown tweaks and minor spelling/wording tweaks. catseye 12 years ago
- Convert documentation to Markdown. catseye 12 years ago
- Added tag rel_1_0_2010_0427 for changeset 7845891a565a catseye 12 years ago