git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Thue / rel_1_5_2012_0916
Add truth-machine example. catseye 12 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 19 addition(s) and 3 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1616 * ``, in Python, written by Frédéric van der Plancke
1717 * `thue.rb`, in Ruby, written by Chris Pressey
19 There is an assortment of example Thue programs in the `eg` directory; all
20 were written by John, except for `add_bin.t`, which was written by Frédéric,
21 and the `edgcase?.t` ones, which were written by Chris.
19 There is an assortment of example Thue programs in the `eg` directory. The
20 credits for these are as follows:
22 * `add_bin.t`: Frédéric van der Plancke
23 * `edgcase?.t`: Chris Pressey
24 * `truth-machine.t`: Keymaker
25 * all others: John Colagioia
2327 More information on Thue can be found on the wiki
2428 [entry for Thue](
5357 programs in `eg`, and the contents of this README, into the public domain,
5458 under the Creative Commons [CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication][].
60 The following example files were taken from the [ wiki][], and
61 are thus also under the CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication:
63 * `truth-machine.t`
5665 [CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication]:
66 [ wiki]:
0 a::=:::
1 -0-::=~0
2 1::=~1
3 --::=-1-
4 ::=
5 -a-