git @ Cat's Eye Technologies The-Dipple / b498cfc
These have employment in yoob.js now. catseye 12 years ago
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javascript/canvas3.html less more
0 <!DOCTYPE html>
1 <head>
2 <meta charset="utf-8">
3 <title>HTML5 Canvas experiment #3</title>
4 <script src=""></script>
5 <script src="playfield.js"></script>
6 <script src="canvas3.js"></script>
7 <script>
8 $(document).ready(function() {
9 CanvasExperiment3($('#canvas')[0], $('#textarea'), $('#button')).start();
10 });
11 </script>
12 <style>
13 #canvas { border: 1px solid blue; }
14 </style>
15 </head>
16 <body>
18 <h1>HTML5 Canvas experiment #3</h1>
20 <textarea id="textarea" rows="10" cols="40">
21 </textarea>
23 <button id="button" value="Load">Load</button>
25 <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400">
26 Your browser doesn't support displaying an HTML5 canvas.
27 </canvas>
29 </body>
javascript/canvas3.js less more
0 function CanvasExperiment3(canvas, textarea, button) {
1 var self = {};
2 var p;
3 var interval_id;
5 self.draw = function() {
6 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
8 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
9 ctx.textBaseline = "top";
11 var height = 20;
12 ctx.font = height + "px monospace";
13 var width = ctx.measureText("@").width;
15 p.foreach(function (x, y, value) {
16 ctx.fillText(value, x * width, y * height);
17 if (Math.random() > 0.95) {
18 ctx.strokeStyle = "green";
19 ctx.strokeRect(x * width, y * height, width, height);
20 }
21 });
22 }
24 self.start = function() {
25 p = Playfield();
26 self.draw();
27 interval_id = setInterval(self.draw, 500);
28 {
29 p.load(0, 0, textarea.val());
30 self.draw();
31 });
32 }
34 return self;
35 }
javascript/canvas4.html less more
0 <!DOCTYPE html>
1 <head>
2 <meta charset="utf-8">
3 <title>HTML5 Canvas experiment #4</title>
4 <script src=""></script>
5 <script src="playfield.js"></script>
6 <script src="canvas4.js"></script>
7 <script>
8 $(document).ready(function() {
9 var eso = EsolangController($('#canvas')[0]);
10 $('#load').click(function() {
11 eso.load($('#program'));
12 });
13 $('#start').click(function() {
14 eso.start();
15 });
16 $('#stop').click(function() {
17 eso.stop();
18 });
19 });
20 </script>
21 <style>
22 #canvas { border: 1px solid blue; }
23 </style>
24 </head>
25 <body>
27 <h1>HTML5 Canvas experiment #4</h1>
29 <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400">
30 Your browser doesn't support displaying an HTML5 canvas.
31 </canvas>
33 <span>
34 <textarea id="program" rows="10" cols="40">
35 #
36 #$ @#
37 @#
40 @
41 </textarea>
43 <button id="load">Load</button>
44 <button id="start">Start</button>
45 <button id="stop">Stop</button>
47 </body>
javascript/canvas4.js less more
0 function EsolangController(canvas) {
1 var self = {};
2 var interval_id;
4 var p = Playfield();
5 var ip_x;
6 var ip_y;
7 var ip_dx;
8 var ip_dy;
10 self.draw = function() {
11 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
13 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
14 ctx.textBaseline = "top";
16 var height = 20;
17 ctx.font = height + "px monospace";
18 var width = ctx.measureText("@").width;
20 ctx.fillStyle = "#50ff50";
21 ctx.fillRect(ip_x * width, ip_y * height, width, height);
23 ctx.fillStyle = "black";
24 p.foreach(function (x, y, value) {
25 ctx.fillText(value, x * width, y * height);
26 });
27 }
29 self.step = function() {
30 var instr = p.get(ip_x, ip_y);
32 if (instr === '@') {
33 ip_dx = 1;
34 ip_dy = 0;
35 } else if (instr === '#') {
36 ip_dx = 0;
37 ip_dy = 1;
38 }
40 ip_x += ip_dx;
41 ip_y += ip_dy;
42 self.draw();
43 }
45 self.start = function() {
46 if (interval_id !== undefined)
47 return;
48 self.step();
49 interval_id = setInterval(self.step, 333);
50 }
52 self.stop = function() {
53 if (interval_id === undefined)
54 return;
55 clearInterval(interval_id);
56 interval_id = undefined;
57 }
59 self.load = function(textarea) {
60 self.stop();
61 p.load(0, 0, textarea.val());
62 p.foreach(function (x, y, value) {
63 if (value === '$') {
64 ip_x = x;
65 ip_y = y;
66 }
67 });
68 ip_dx = 1;
69 ip_dy = 0;
70 self.draw();
71 }
73 return self;
74 }
javascript/playfield.js less more
0 /*
1 * This is not a recommended way to make a class in Javascript, but it works
2 * (after a fashion). You don't need to use the "new" keyword, you just call
3 * Playfield() to create a new Playfield object. You could call this the
4 * "closure-based object" pattern, and you can do it in any language that
5 * provides both closures and mutable variables (I've also done it in Lua and
6 * Bhuna.)
7 *
8 * For a more Javascriptic Playfield class, see the Gemooy repository (also
9 * in the public domain.)
10 */
11 function Playfield() {
12 var self = {}
13 var store = {}
14 self.min_x = undefined;
15 self.min_y = undefined;
16 self.max_x = undefined;
17 self.max_y = undefined;
19 /*
20 * Cells are undefined if they were never written to.
21 */
22 self.get = function(x, y) {
23 return store[x+','+y];
24 }
26 self.put = function(x, y, value) {
27 if (self.min_x === undefined || x < self.min_x) self.min_x = x;
28 if (self.max_x === undefined || x > self.max_x) self.max_x = x;
29 if (self.min_y === undefined || y < self.min_y) self.min_y = y;
30 if (self.max_y === undefined || y > self.max_y) self.max_y = y;
31 store[x+','+y] = value;
32 }
34 /*
35 * Load a string into the playfield.
36 * The string may be multiline, with newline (ASCII 10)
37 * characters delimiting lines. ASCII 13 is ignored.
38 * A space in the string does not write anything into
39 * the playfield.
40 */
41 self.load = function(x, y, string) {
42 var lx = x;
43 var ly = y;
44 for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
45 var c = string.charAt(i);
46 if (c === '\n') {
47 lx = x;
48 ly++;
49 } else if (c === '\r') {
50 } else if (c === ' ') {
51 lx++;
52 } else {
53 self.put(lx, ly, c);
54 lx++;
55 }
56 }
57 }
59 /*
60 * fun is a callback which takes three parameters:
61 * x, y, and value.
62 * This function ensures a particular order.
63 */
64 self.foreach = function(fun) {
65 for (var y = self.min_y; y <= self.max_y; y++) {
66 for (var x = self.min_x; x <= self.max_x; x++) {
67 var key = x+','+y;
68 var value = store[key];
69 if (value === undefined)
70 continue;
71 fun(x, y, value);
72 }
73 }
74 }
76 return self;
77 }
javascript/text-console.html less more
0 <!DOCTYPE html>
1 <head>
2 <meta charset="utf-8">
3 <title>TextConsole Demo</title>
4 <script src="text-console.js"></script>
5 </head>
6 <body>
8 <h1>TextConsole Demo</h1>
10 <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400" tabindex="0">
11 Your browser doesn't support displaying an HTML5 canvas.
12 </canvas>
14 </body>
15 <script>
16 var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
17 var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
18 var t = new TextConsole();
19 var z = 0;
20 t.init(canvas, 20, 80, 25);
21 t.write("Click me!\n");
22 canvas.onclick = function(e) {
23 t.write("Hello, world! (" + z + ") ");
24 t.textColor = "white";
25 t.write("How's by you? ");
26 t.textColor = "yellow";
27 t.backgroundColor = "purple";
28 t.write("That's nice.");
29 t.textColor = "green";
30 t.backgroundColor = "black";
31 t.write(" Supercalifragilisticexpialadociousness!!!!!\n");
32 t.overStrike = true;
33 t.write("Whatever\b\b!!\n");
34 t.overStrike = false;
35 t.write("Whatever\b\b!!\n");
36 z++;
37 };
38 var ib = new LineInputBuffer();
39 ib.init(canvas, t, function(str) {
40 alert(str);
41 });
42 canvas.focus();
43 </script>
javascript/text-console.js less more
0 /*
1 * A text-based console simulation in Javascript on an HTML5 canvas.
2 *
3 * Note that I am not suggesting that this is a *good* thing in most
4 * circumstances. I mean, you have a GUI! You have graphics! Why would
5 * you want to limit your interaction to a text-based console? And you
6 * can't even select text in it, and if you want to handle input you'll
7 * have to write a bunch of stuff to do line editing and everything.
8 *
9 * But still, sometimes, for art's sake, what you want to do is
10 * simulate a text-based console. So be it. You can use this.
11 *
12 * Create a new TextConsole object t, then call t.init(), then call
13 * t.write() to write text to the console.
14 *
15 * You can also change the textColor and backgroundColor attributes
16 * between calls to t.write(). You can call t.reset() to clear the
17 * simulated screen (to the selected backgroundColor.) You can also set
18 * or clear overStrike mode.
19 */
20 TextConsole = function() {
21 this.canvas = null;
22 this.charHeight = null;
23 this.charWidth = null;
24 this.rows = null;
25 this.cols = null;
26 this.row = null;
27 this.col = null;
28 this.overStrike = null;
29 this.textColor = null;
30 this.backgroundColor = null;
32 this.cursorEnabled = null;
33 this.blinkInterval = null;
34 this.cursorIsShowing = null;
36 /*
37 * Attach a canvas to this TextConsole. The canvas will
38 * be resized to match the given dimensions.
39 */
40 this.init = function(canvas, charHeight, cols, rows) {
41 this.canvas = canvas;
42 this.charHeight = charHeight;
43 this.rows = rows;
44 this.cols = cols;
46 var ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
47 ctx.font = this.charHeight + "px monospace";
48 this.charWidth = ctx.measureText("@").width;
50 this.textColor = "green";
51 this.backgroundColor = "black";
52 this.reset();
53 };
55 this.drawCursor = function(sty) {
56 var ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
57 ctx.strokeStyle = sty;
58 ctx.lineWidth = 2;
59 var x = this.col * this.charWidth;
60 var y = (this.row+1) * this.charHeight - 1;
61 ctx.beginPath();
62 ctx.moveTo(x, y);
63 ctx.lineTo(x + this.charWidth, y);
64 ctx.stroke();
65 };
67 /*
68 * Start the cursor blinking, if it's not already.
69 */
70 this.startCursor = function() {
71 if (!this.cursorEnabled) {
72 return;
73 }
74 if (this.blinkInterval !== null) {
75 clearInterval(this.blinkInterval);
76 }
77 var me = this;
78 me.drawCursor(me.textColor);
79 me.cursorIsShowing = true;
80 this.blinkInterval = setInterval(function() {
81 if (!me.cursorIsShowing) {
82 me.drawCursor(me.textColor);
83 me.cursorIsShowing = true;
84 } else {
85 me.drawCursor(me.backgroundColor);
86 me.cursorIsShowing = false;
87 }
88 }, 500);
89 };
91 /*
92 * Start the cursor blinking, if it's not already.
93 */
94 this.stopCursor = function() {
95 if (!this.cursorEnabled) {
96 return;
97 }
98 if (this.blinkInterval !== null) {
99 clearInterval(this.blinkInterval);
100 }
101 this.drawCursor(this.backgroundColor);
102 this.cursorIsShowing = false;
103 };
105 /*
106 * Resize the TextConsole to match the given dimensions,
107 * clear it to the current backgroundColor, turn off
108 * overstrike mode, make the cursor visible, and home it.
109 */
110 this.reset = function() {
111 this.overStrike = false;
112 this.row = 0;
113 this.col = 0;
114 this.canvas.width = this.charWidth * this.cols;
115 this.canvas.height = this.charHeight * this.rows;
116 var ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
117 ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor;
118 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
119 this.cursorEnabled = true;
120 this.startCursor();
121 };
123 /*
124 * Advance the cursor to the next line, scrolling the
125 * TextConsole display if necessary.
126 */
127 this.advance = function() {
128 this.col = 0;
129 this.row += 1;
130 var ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
131 while (this.row >= this.rows) {
132 var imgData = ctx.getImageData(
133 0, this.charHeight, canvas.width, canvas.height - this.charHeight
134 );
135 ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
136 ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor;
137 ctx.fillRect(
138 0, canvas.height - this.charHeight, canvas.width, this.charHeight
139 );
140 this.row -= 1;
141 }
142 };
144 /*
145 * Write a string to the TextConsole. Line feeds will cause a
146 * new line, and backspaces will move the cursor left if it is not
147 * already at the left edge.
148 */
149 this.write = function(string) {
150 var i = 0;
151 var ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
152 ctx.textBaseline = "top";
153 ctx.font = this.charHeight + "px monospace";
154 this.stopCursor();
155 while (i < string.length) {
156 var c = string.charAt(i);
157 if (c === '\n') {
158 this.advance();
159 } else if (c === '\b' && this.col > 0) {
160 this.col--;
161 } else if (c >= ' ') {
162 if (!this.overStrike) {
163 ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor;
164 ctx.fillRect(this.col * this.charWidth, this.row * this.charHeight,
165 this.charWidth, this.charHeight);
166 }
167 ctx.fillStyle = this.textColor;
168 ctx.fillText(c, this.col * this.charWidth, this.row * this.charHeight);
169 this.col += 1;
170 if (this.col >= this.cols) {
171 this.advance();
172 }
173 }
174 i++;
175 };
176 this.startCursor();
177 };
179 /*
180 * Move the cursor around the TextConsole. x is the column number
181 * (0-based) and y is the row number (also 0-based.)
182 */
183 this.gotoxy = function(x, y) {
184 this.stopCursor();
185 this.col = x;
186 this.row = y;
187 this.startCursor();
188 };
190 this.enableCursor = function(b) {
191 b = !!b;
192 if (b) {
193 this.cursorEnabled = true;
194 this.startCursor();
195 } else {
196 this.stopCursor();
197 this.cursorEnabled = false;
198 }
199 };
200 };
202 /*
203 * Object that captures keystrokes and optionally updates a TextConsole.
204 * Mostly for demonstration purposes so far.
205 */
207 LineInputBuffer = function() {
208 this.listenObject = undefined;
209 this.console = undefined;
210 this.callback = undefined;
211 this.text = undefined;
213 this.init = function(listenObject, console, callback) {
214 this.listenObject = listenObject;
215 this.console = console;
216 this.callback = callback;
217 this.text = "";
219 me = this;
220 listenObject.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
221 //alert(e.keyCode);
222 switch (e.keyCode) {
223 case 8: /* Backspace */
224 if (me.console !== undefined) {
225 me.console.write('\b \b');
226 }
227 if (me.text.length > 0) {
228 me.text = me.text.substring(0, me.text.length-2);
229 }
230 e.cancelBubble = true;
231 break;
232 case 13: /* Enter */
233 if (me.console !== undefined) {
234 me.console.write('\n');
235 }
236 me.text = me.text.substring(0, me.text.length-1);
237 if (me.callback !== undefined) {
238 me.callback(me.text);
239 }
240 me.text = "";
241 e.cancelBubble = true;
242 break;
243 case 38: /* Up arrow */
244 break;
245 case 40: /* Down arrow */
246 break;
247 case 37: /* Left arrow */
248 break;
249 case 39: /* Right arrow */
250 break;
251 }
252 }, true);
253 listenObject.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
254 if (e.altKey) {
255 //alert(e.charCode);
256 return;
257 }
258 var chr = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
259 if (me.console !== undefined) {
260 me.console.write(chr);
261 }
262 me.text += chr;
263 e.cancelBubble = true;
264 }, true);
265 };
266 };