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in practice, software usually _does something_ over and above calculating
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the result of an expression. Users click buttons, shapes get displayed,
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files get written to filesystems.
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316 |
Some languages resolve this by having function take a representation of
317 |
the outside world on their input, and producing a (possibly modified)
318 |
representation of the outside world on their output.
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320 |
Robin's approach is not this. Robin's approach is rather more like
321 |
JavaScript, in that it is _event-oriented_.
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A Robin program may define a _reactor_ by giving some configuration, an
324 |
initial state, and an operator (a function or macro) called the _transducer_.
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The transducer will be evaluated any time an event comes in. The event could
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come in from the outside world (for example, the user clicks a button,)
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or it could be generated by the Robin program itself.
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When the transducer is evaluated, it is also passed the current state.
331 |
The return value of the transducer consists of two parts: a new value to
332 |
use as the new current state, and a list of events to cause.
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334 |
This is very similar to "The Elm Architecture" used in the language Elm.
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Here is an example reactor.
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338 |
(reactor (line-terminal) 0
339 |
(macro (args env)
340 |
(bind event (head args)
341 |
(bind event-type (head event)
342 |
(if (equal? event-type (literal init))
343 |
(list 0
344 |
(list (literal writeln) (literal ''Hello, world!''))
345 |
(list (literal stop) 0))
346 |
(list 0))))))
347 |
348 |
The `(line-terminal)` part at the top is the configuration referred to above;
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in this case it indicates that the reactor wishes to subscribe to a facility
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called `line-terminal` (similar to "standard I/O" in most other languages.)
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352 |
The `0` at the top is the initial state. In fact this example is so simple
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that the state does not change, but it still must be given.
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After that is a macro, which is the transducer. It receives, as its
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arguments, an event, which consists of an event type; it exracts this and
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compares it against `init` to see if it is the initialization event.
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If it is, it produces a new state (0) and two events to return: an event to
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write `Hello, world!` as a line of output, and an event to `stop` the program.
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If it's not, it just produces and returns a new state. The reactor will
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wait for the next event and process it.
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(To be continued).
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