git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Robin / ba61f2a
Flesh out section on reactors in tutorial. Chris Pressey 4 years ago
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117117 Documentation
118118 -------------
120 Finish the tutorial (recursive macros, reactors).
120 Finish the tutorial (recursive macros, advanced usage of reactors).
122122 Reactors
123123 --------
312312 in practice, software usually _does something_ over and above calculating
313313 the result of an expression. Users click buttons, shapes get displayed,
314314 files get written to filesystems.
316 Some languages resolve this by having function take a representation of
317 the outside world on their input, and producing a (possibly modified)
318 representation of the outside world on their output.
320 Robin's approach is not this. Robin's approach is rather more like
321 JavaScript, in that it is _event-oriented_.
323 A Robin program may define a _reactor_ by giving some configuration, an
324 initial state, and an operator (a function or macro) called the _transducer_.
326 The transducer will be evaluated any time an event comes in. The event could
327 come in from the outside world (for example, the user clicks a button,)
328 or it could be generated by the Robin program itself.
330 When the transducer is evaluated, it is also passed the current state.
331 The return value of the transducer consists of two parts: a new value to
332 use as the new current state, and a list of events to cause.
334 This is very similar to "The Elm Architecture" used in the language Elm.
336 Here is an example reactor.
338 (reactor (line-terminal) 0
339 (macro (args env)
340 (bind event (head args)
341 (bind event-type (head event)
342 (if (equal? event-type (literal init))
343 (list 0
344 (list (literal writeln) (literal ''Hello, world!''))
345 (list (literal stop) 0))
346 (list 0))))))
348 The `(line-terminal)` part at the top is the configuration referred to above;
349 in this case it indicates that the reactor wishes to subscribe to a facility
350 called `line-terminal` (similar to "standard I/O" in most other languages.)
352 The `0` at the top is the initial state. In fact this example is so simple
353 that the state does not change, but it still must be given.
355 After that is a macro, which is the transducer. It receives, as its
356 arguments, an event, which consists of an event type; it exracts this and
357 compares it against `init` to see if it is the initialization event.
359 If it is, it produces a new state (0) and two events to return: an event to
360 write `Hello, world!` as a line of output, and an event to `stop` the program.
362 If it's not, it just produces and returns a new state. The reactor will
363 wait for the next event and process it.
316365 (To be continued).