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Make source run under both Python 2 and Python 3. Refactor tests. Chris Pressey 3 years ago
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0 Exanoke
1 =======
3 _Exanoke_ is a pure functional language which is syntactically restricted to
4 expressing the primitive recursive functions.
6 I'll assume you know what a primitive recursive function is. If not, go look
7 it up, as it's quite interesting, if only for the fact that it demonstrates
8 even a genius like Kurt Gödel can sometimes be mistaken. (He initially
9 thought that all functions could be expressed primitive recursively, until
10 Ackermann came up with a counterexample.)
12 So, you have a program. There are two ways that you can ensure that it
13 implements a primtive recursive function:
15 * You can statically analyze the bastard, and prove that all of its
16 loops eventually terminate, and so forth; or
17 * You can write it in a language which is inherently restricted to
18 expressing only primitive recursive functions.
20 The second option is the route [PL-{GOTO}][] takes. But that's an imperative
21 language, and it's fairly easy to restrict an imperative language in this
22 way. In PL-{GOTO}'s case, they just took PL and removed the `GOTO` command.
23 The rest of the language essentially contains only `for` loops, so what you
24 get is something in which you can only express primitive recursive functions.
25 (That imperative programs consisting of only `for` loops can express only and
26 exactly the primitive recursive functions was established by Meyer and Ritchie
27 in "The complexity of loop programs".)
29 But what about functional languages?
31 The approach I've taken in [TPiS][], and that I wanted to take in [Pixley][]
32 and [Robin][], is to provide an unrestricted functional language to the
33 programmer, and statically analyze it to see if you're going and writing
34 primitive recursive functions in it or not.
36 Thing is, that's kind of difficult. Is it possible to take the same approach
37 PL-{GOTO} takes, and *syntactically* restrict a functional language to the
38 primitive recursive functions?
40 I mean, in a trivial sense, it must be; in the original definition, primitive
41 recursive functions *were* functions. (Duh.) But these have a highly
42 arithmetical flavour, with bounded sums and products and whatnot. What
43 would primitive recursion look like in the setting of general (and symbolic)
44 functional programming?
46 Functional languages don't do the `for` loop thing, they do the recursion
47 thing, and there are no natural bounds on that recursion, so some restriction
48 on recursion would have to be captured by the grammar, and... well, it sounds
49 somewhat interesting, and doable, so let's try it.
51 [Pixley]:
52 [PL-{GOTO}]:
53 [Robin]:
54 [TPiS]:
56 Ground Rules
57 ------------
59 Here are some ground rules about how to tell if a functional program is
60 primitive recursive:
62 * It doesn't perform mutual recursion.
63 * When recursion happens, it's always with arguments that are strictly
64 "smaller" values than the arguments the function received.
65 * There is a "smallest" value that an argument can take on, so that
66 there is always a base case to the recursion, so that it always
67 eventually terminates.
68 * Higher-order functions are not used.
70 The first point can be enforced simply by providing a token that
71 refers to the function currently being defined (`self` is a reasonable
72 choice) to permit recursion, but to disallow calling any function that
73 has not yet occurred, lexically, in the program source.
75 The second point can be enforced by stating syntactic rules for
76 "smallerness". (Gee, typing that made me feel a bit like George W. Bush!)
78 The third point can be enforced by providing some default behaviour when
79 functions are called with the "smallest" kinds of values. This could be
80 as simple as terminating the program if you try to find a value "smaller"
81 than the "smallest" value.
83 The fourth point can be enforced by simply disallowing functions to be
84 passed to, or returned from, functions.
86 ### Note on these Criteria ###
88 In fact, these four criteria taken together do not strictly speaking
89 define primitive recursion. They don't exclude functional programs which
90 always terminate but which aren't primitive recursive (for example, the
91 Ackermann function.) However, determining that such functions terminate
92 requires a more sophisticated notion of "smallerness" — a reduction ordering
93 on their arguments. Our notion of "smallerness" will be simple enough that
94 it will be easy to express syntactically, and will only capture primitive
95 recursion.
97 ### Note on Critical Arguments ###
99 I should note, though, that the second point is an oversimplification.
100 Not *all* arguments need to be strictly "smaller" upon recursion — only
101 those arguments which are used to determine *if* the function recurses.
102 I'll call those the _critical arguments_. Other arguments can take on
103 any value (which is useful for having "accumulator" arguments and such.)
105 When statically analyzing a function for primitive recursive-ness, you
106 need to check how it decides to recurse, to find out which arguments are
107 the critical arguments, so you can check that those ones always get
108 "smaller".
110 But we can proceed in a simpler fashion here — we can simply say that
111 the first argument to every function is the critical argument, and all
112 the rest aren't. This is without loss of generality, as we can always
113 split some functionality which would require more than one critical
114 argument across multiple functions, each of which only has one critical
115 argument. (Much like every `for` loop has only one loop variable.)
117 Data types
118 ----------
120 Let's just go with pairs and atoms for now, although natural numbers would
121 be easy to add too. Following Ruby, atoms are preceded by a colon; while I
122 find this syntax somewhat obnoxious, it is less obnoxious than requiring that
123 atoms are in ALL CAPS, which is what Exanoke originally had. In truth, there
124 would be no real problem with allowing atoms, arguments, and function names
125 (and even `self`) to all be arbitrarily alphanumeric, but it would require
126 more static context checking to sort them all out, and we're trying to be
127 as syntactic as reasonably possible here.
129 `:true` is the only truthy atom. Lists are by convention only, and, by
130 convention, lists compose via the second element of each pair, and `:nil` is
131 the agreed-upon list-terminating atom, much love to it.
133 Grammar
134 -------
136 Exanoke ::= {FunDef} Expr.
137 FunDef ::= "def" Ident "(" "#" {"," Ident} ")" Expr.
138 Expr ::= "cons" "(" Expr "," Expr ")"
139 | "head" "(" Expr ")"
140 | "tail" "(" Expr ")"
141 | "if" Expr "then" Expr "else" Expr
142 | "self" "(" Smaller {"," Expr} ")"
143 | "eq?" "(" Expr "," Expr")"
144 | "cons?" "(" Expr ")"
145 | "not" "(" Expr ")"
146 | "#"
147 | ":" Ident
148 | Ident ["(" Expr {"," Expr} ")"]
149 | Smaller.
150 Smaller ::= "<head" SmallerTerm
151 | "<tail" SmallerTerm
152 | "<if" Expr "then" Smaller "else" Smaller.
153 SmallerTerm ::= "#"
154 | Smaller.
155 Ident ::= name.
157 The first argument to a function does not have a user-defined name; it is
158 simply referred to as `#`. Again, there would be no real problem if we were
159 to allow the programmer to give it a better name, but more static context
160 checking would be involved.
162 Note that `<if` is not strictly necessary. Its only use is to embed a
163 conditional into the first argument being passed to a recursive call. You
164 could also use a regular `if` and make the recursive call in both branches,
165 one with `:true` as the first argument and the other with `:false`.
167 Examples
168 --------
170 -> Tests for functionality "Evaluate Exanoke program"
172 -> Functionality "Evaluate Exanoke program" is implemented by
173 -> shell command "src/ %(test-body-file)"
175 `cons` can be used to make lists and trees and things.
177 | cons(:hi, :there)
178 = (:hi :there)
180 | cons(:hi, cons(:there, :nil))
181 = (:hi (:there :nil))
183 `head` extracts the first element of a cons cell.
185 | head(cons(:hi, :there))
186 = :hi
188 | head(:bar)
189 ? head: Not a cons cell
191 `tail` extracts the second element of a cons cell.
193 | tail(cons(:hi, :there))
194 = :there
196 | tail(tail(cons(:hi, cons(:there, :nil))))
197 = :nil
199 | tail(:foo)
200 ? tail: Not a cons cell
202 `<head` and `<tail` and syntactic variants of `head` and `tail` which
203 expect their argument to be "smaller than or equal in size to" a critical
204 argument.
206 | <head cons(:hi, :there)
207 ? Expected <smaller>, found "cons"
209 | <tail :hi
210 ? Expected <smaller>, found ":hi"
212 `if` is used for descision-making.
214 | if :true then :hi else :there
215 = :hi
217 | if :hi then :here else :there
218 = :there
220 `eq?` is used to compare atoms.
222 | eq?(:hi, :there)
223 = :false
225 | eq?(:hi, :hi)
226 = :true
228 `eq?` only compares atoms; it can't deal with cons cells.
230 | eq?(cons(:one, :nil), cons(:one, :nil))
231 = :false
233 `cons?` is used to detect cons cells.
235 | cons?(:hi)
236 = :false
238 | cons?(cons(:wagga, :nil))
239 = :true
241 `not` does the expected thing when regarding atoms as booleans.
243 | not(:true)
244 = :false
246 | not(:false)
247 = :true
249 Cons cells are falsey.
251 | not(cons(:wanga, :nil))
252 = :true
254 `self` and `#` can only be used inside function definitions.
256 | #
257 ? Use of "#" outside of a function body
259 | self(:foo)
260 ? Use of "self" outside of a function body
262 We can define functions. Here's the identity function.
264 | def id(#)
265 | #
266 | id(:woo)
267 = :woo
269 Functions must be called with the appropriate arity.
271 | def id(#)
272 | #
273 | id(:foo, :bar)
274 ? Arity mismatch (expected 1, got 2)
276 | def snd(#, another)
277 | another
278 | snd(:foo)
279 ? Arity mismatch (expected 2, got 1)
281 Parameter names must be defined in the function definition.
283 | def id(#)
284 | woo
285 | id(:woo)
286 ? Undefined argument "woo"
288 You can't call a parameter as if it were a function.
290 | def wat(#, woo)
291 | woo(#)
292 | wat(:woo)
293 ? Undefined function "woo"
295 You can't define two functions with the same name.
297 | def wat(#)
298 | :there
299 | def wat(#)
300 | :hi
301 | wat(:woo)
302 ? Function "wat" already defined
304 You can't name a function with an atom.
306 | def :wat(#)
307 | #
308 | :wat(:woo)
309 ? Expected identifier, but found atom (':wat')
311 Every function takes at least one argument.
313 | def wat()
314 | :meow
315 | wat()
316 ? Expected '#', but found ')'
318 The first argument of a function must be `#`.
320 | def wat(meow)
321 | meow
322 | wat(:woo)
323 ? Expected '#', but found 'meow'
325 The subsequent arguments don't have to be called `#`, and in fact, they
326 shouldn't be.
328 | def snd(#, another)
329 | another
330 | snd(:foo, :bar)
331 = :bar
333 | def snd(#, #)
334 | #
335 | snd(:foo, :bar)
336 ? Expected identifier, but found goose egg ('#')
338 A function can call a built-in.
340 | def snoc(#, another)
341 | cons(another, #)
342 | snoc(:there, :hi)
343 = (:hi :there)
345 Functions can call other user-defined functions.
347 | def double(#)
348 | cons(#, #)
349 | def quadruple(#)
350 | double(double(#))
351 | quadruple(:meow)
352 = ((:meow :meow) (:meow :meow))
354 Functions must be defined before they are called.
356 | def quadruple(#)
357 | double(double(#))
358 | def double(#)
359 | cons(#, #)
360 | :meow
361 ? Undefined function "double"
363 Argument names may shadow previously-defined functions, because we
364 can syntactically tell them apart.
366 | def snoc(#, other)
367 | cons(other, #)
368 | def snocsnoc(#, snoc)
369 | snoc(snoc(snoc, #), #)
370 | snocsnoc(:blarch, :glamch)
371 = (:blarch (:blarch :glamch))
373 A function may recursively call itself, as long as it does so with
374 values which are smaller than or equal in size to the critical argument
375 as the first argument.
377 | def count(#)
378 | self(<tail #)
379 | count(cons(:alpha, cons(:beta, :nil)))
380 ? tail: Not a cons cell
382 | def count(#)
383 | if eq?(#, :nil) then :nil else self(<tail #)
384 | count(cons(:alpha, cons(:beta, :nil)))
385 = :nil
387 | def last(#)
388 | if not(cons?(#)) then # else self(<tail #)
389 | last(cons(:alpha, cons(:beta, :graaap)))
390 = :graaap
392 | def count(#, acc)
393 | if eq?(#, :nil) then acc else self(<tail #, cons(:one, acc))
394 | count(cons(:A, cons(:B, :nil)), :nil)
395 = (:one (:one :nil))
397 Arity must match when a function calls itself recursively.
399 | def urff(#)
400 | self(<tail #, <head #)
401 | urff(:woof)
402 ? Arity mismatch on self (expected 1, got 2)
404 | def urff(#, other)
405 | self(<tail #)
406 | urff(:woof, :moo)
407 ? Arity mismatch on self (expected 2, got 1)
409 The remaining tests demonstrate that a function cannot call itself if it
410 does not pass a values which is smaller than or equal in size to the
411 critical argument as the first argument.
413 | def urff(#)
414 | self(cons(#, #))
415 | urff(:woof)
416 ? Expected <smaller>, found "cons"
418 | def urff(#)
419 | self(#)
420 | urff(:graaap)
421 ? Expected <smaller>, found "#"
423 | def urff(#, boof)
424 | self(boof)
425 | urff(:graaap, :skooorp)
426 ? Expected <smaller>, found "boof"
428 | def urff(#, boof)
429 | self(<tail boof)
430 | urff(:graaap, :skooorp)
431 ? Expected <smaller>, found "boof"
433 | def urff(#)
434 | self(:wanga)
435 | urff(:graaap)
436 ? Expected <smaller>, found ":wanga"
438 | def urff(#)
439 | self(if eq?(:alpha, :alpha) then <head # else <tail #)
440 | urff(:graaap)
441 ? Expected <smaller>, found "if"
443 | def urff(#)
444 | self(<if eq?(:alpha, :alpha) then <head # else <tail #)
445 | urff(:graaap)
446 ? head: Not a cons cell
448 | def urff(#)
449 | self(<if eq?(self(<head #), :alpha) then <head # else <tail #)
450 | urff(:graaap)
451 ? head: Not a cons cell
453 | def urff(#)
454 | self(<if self(<tail #) then <head # else <tail #)
455 | urff(cons(:graaap, :skooorp))
456 ? tail: Not a cons cell
458 Now, some practical examples, on Peano naturals. Addition:
460 | def inc(#)
461 | cons(:one, #)
462 | def add(#, other)
463 | if eq?(#, :nil) then other else self(<tail #, inc(other))
464 |
465 | add(cons(:one, cons(:one, :nil)), cons(:one, :nil))
466 = (:one (:one (:one :nil)))
468 Multiplication:
470 | def inc(#)
471 | cons(:one, #)
472 | def add(#, other)
473 | if eq?(#, :nil) then other else self(<tail #, inc(other))
474 | def mul(#, other)
475 | if eq?(#, :nil) then :nil else
476 | add(other, self(<tail #, other))
477 | def three(#)
478 | cons(:one, cons(:one, cons(:one, #)))
479 |
480 | mul(three(:nil), three(:nil))
481 = (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one :nil)))))))))
483 Factorial! There are 24 `:one`'s in this test's expectation.
485 | def inc(#)
486 | cons(:one, #)
487 | def add(#, other)
488 | if eq?(#, :nil) then other else self(<tail #, inc(other))
489 | def mul(#, other)
490 | if eq?(#, :nil) then :nil else
491 | add(other, self(<tail #, other))
492 | def fact(#)
493 | if eq?(#, :nil) then cons(:one, :nil) else
494 | mul(#, self(<tail #))
495 | def four(#)
496 | cons(:one, cons(:one, cons(:one, cons(:one, #))))
497 |
498 | fact(four(:nil))
499 = (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one :nil))))))))))))))))))))))))
501 Discussion
502 ----------
504 So, what of it?
506 It was not a particularly challenging design goal to meet; it's one of those
507 things that seems rather obvious after the fact, that you can just dictate
508 that one of the arguments is a critical argument, and only call yourself with
509 some smaller version of your critical argument in that position. Recursive
510 calls map quite straightforwardly to `for` loops, and you end up with what is
511 essentially a functional version of of a `for` program.
513 I guess the question is, is it worth doing this primitive-recursion check as
514 a syntactic, rather than a static semantic, thing?
516 I think it is. If you're concerned at all with writing functions which are
517 guaranteed to terminate, you probably have a plan in mind (however vague)
518 for how they will accomplish this, so it seems reasonable to require that you
519 mark up your function to indicate how it does this. And it's certainly
520 easier to implement than analyzing an arbirarily-written function.
522 Of course, the exact syntactic mechanisms would likely see some improvement
523 in a practical application of this idea. As alluded to in several places
524 in this document, any actually-distinct lexical items (name of the critical
525 argument, and so forth) could be replaced by simple static semantic checks
526 (against a symbol table or whatnot.) Which arguments are the critical
527 arguments for a particular function could be indicated in the source.
529 One criticism (if I can call it that) of primitive recursive functions is
530 that, even though they can express any algorithm which runs in
531 non-deterministic exponential time (which, if you believe "polynomial
532 time = feasible", means, basically, all algorithms you'd ever care about),
533 for any primitive recursively expressed algorithm, theye may be a (much)
534 more efficient algorithm expressed in a general recursive way.
536 However, in my experience, there are many functions, generally non-, or
537 minimally, numerical, which operate on data structures, where the obvious
538 implementation _is_ primitive recursive. In day-to-day database and web
539 programming, there will be operations which are series of replacements,
540 updates, simple transformations, folds, and the like, all of which
541 "obviously" terminate, and which can readily be written primitive recursively.
543 Limited support for higher-order functions could be added, possibly even to
544 Exanoke (as long as the "no mutual recursion" rule is still observed.)
545 After all (and if you'll forgive the anthropomorphizing self-insertion in
546 this sentence), if you pass me a primitive recursive function, and I'm
547 primitive recursive, I'll remain primitive recursive no matter how many times
548 I call your function.
550 Lastly, the requisite etymological denoument: the name "Exanoke" started life
551 as a typo for the word "example".
553 Happy primitive recursing!
554 Chris Pressey
555 Cornwall, UK, WTF
556 Jan 5, 2013
0 Exanoke
1 =======
3 _Exanoke_ is a pure functional language which is syntactically restricted to
4 expressing the primitive recursive functions.
6 I'll assume you know what a primitive recursive function is. If not, go look
7 it up, as it's quite interesting, if only for the fact that it demonstrates
8 even a genius like Kurt Gödel can sometimes be mistaken. (He initially
9 thought that all functions could be expressed primitive recursively, until
10 Ackermann came up with a counterexample.)
12 So, you have a program. There are two ways that you can ensure that it
13 implements a primtive recursive function:
15 * You can statically analyze the bastard, and prove that all of its
16 loops eventually terminate, and so forth; or
17 * You can write it in a language which is inherently restricted to
18 expressing only primitive recursive functions.
20 The second option is the route [PL-{GOTO}][] takes. But that's an imperative
21 language, and it's fairly easy to restrict an imperative language in this
22 way. In PL-{GOTO}'s case, they just took PL and removed the `GOTO` command.
23 The rest of the language essentially contains only `for` loops, so what you
24 get is something in which you can only express primitive recursive functions.
25 (That imperative programs consisting of only `for` loops can express only and
26 exactly the primitive recursive functions was established by Meyer and Ritchie
27 in "The complexity of loop programs".)
29 But what about functional languages?
31 The approach I've taken in [TPiS][], and that I wanted to take in [Pixley][]
32 and [Robin][], is to provide an unrestricted functional language to the
33 programmer, and statically analyze it to see if you're going and writing
34 primitive recursive functions in it or not.
36 Thing is, that's kind of difficult. Is it possible to take the same approach
37 PL-{GOTO} takes, and *syntactically* restrict a functional language to the
38 primitive recursive functions?
40 I mean, in a trivial sense, it must be; in the original definition, primitive
41 recursive functions *were* functions. (Duh.) But these have a highly
42 arithmetical flavour, with bounded sums and products and whatnot. What
43 would primitive recursion look like in the setting of general (and symbolic)
44 functional programming?
46 Functional languages don't do the `for` loop thing, they do the recursion
47 thing, and there are no natural bounds on that recursion, so some restriction
48 on recursion would have to be captured by the grammar, and... well, it sounds
49 somewhat interesting, and doable, so let's try it.
51 [Pixley]:
52 [PL-{GOTO}]:
53 [Robin]:
54 [TPiS]:
56 Ground Rules
57 ------------
59 Here are some ground rules about how to tell if a functional program is
60 primitive recursive:
62 * It doesn't perform mutual recursion.
63 * When recursion happens, it's always with arguments that are strictly
64 "smaller" values than the arguments the function received.
65 * There is a "smallest" value that an argument can take on, so that
66 there is always a base case to the recursion, so that it always
67 eventually terminates.
68 * Higher-order functions are not used.
70 The first point can be enforced simply by providing a token that
71 refers to the function currently being defined (`self` is a reasonable
72 choice) to permit recursion, but to disallow calling any function that
73 has not yet occurred, lexically, in the program source.
75 The second point can be enforced by stating syntactic rules for
76 "smallerness". (Gee, typing that made me feel a bit like George W. Bush!)
78 The third point can be enforced by providing some default behaviour when
79 functions are called with the "smallest" kinds of values. This could be
80 as simple as terminating the program if you try to find a value "smaller"
81 than the "smallest" value.
83 The fourth point can be enforced by simply disallowing functions to be
84 passed to, or returned from, functions.
86 ### Note on these Criteria ###
88 In fact, these four criteria taken together do not strictly speaking
89 define primitive recursion. They don't exclude functional programs which
90 always terminate but which aren't primitive recursive (for example, the
91 Ackermann function.) However, determining that such functions terminate
92 requires a more sophisticated notion of "smallerness" — a reduction ordering
93 on their arguments. Our notion of "smallerness" will be simple enough that
94 it will be easy to express syntactically, and will only capture primitive
95 recursion.
97 ### Note on Critical Arguments ###
99 I should note, though, that the second point is an oversimplification.
100 Not *all* arguments need to be strictly "smaller" upon recursion — only
101 those arguments which are used to determine *if* the function recurses.
102 I'll call those the _critical arguments_. Other arguments can take on
103 any value (which is useful for having "accumulator" arguments and such.)
105 When statically analyzing a function for primitive recursive-ness, you
106 need to check how it decides to recurse, to find out which arguments are
107 the critical arguments, so you can check that those ones always get
108 "smaller".
110 But we can proceed in a simpler fashion here — we can simply say that
111 the first argument to every function is the critical argument, and all
112 the rest aren't. This is without loss of generality, as we can always
113 split some functionality which would require more than one critical
114 argument across multiple functions, each of which only has one critical
115 argument. (Much like every `for` loop has only one loop variable.)
117 Data types
118 ----------
120 Let's just go with pairs and atoms for now, although natural numbers would
121 be easy to add too. Following Ruby, atoms are preceded by a colon; while I
122 find this syntax somewhat obnoxious, it is less obnoxious than requiring that
123 atoms are in ALL CAPS, which is what Exanoke originally had. In truth, there
124 would be no real problem with allowing atoms, arguments, and function names
125 (and even `self`) to all be arbitrarily alphanumeric, but it would require
126 more static context checking to sort them all out, and we're trying to be
127 as syntactic as reasonably possible here.
129 `:true` is the only truthy atom. Lists are by convention only, and, by
130 convention, lists compose via the second element of each pair, and `:nil` is
131 the agreed-upon list-terminating atom, much love to it.
133 Grammar
134 -------
136 Exanoke ::= {FunDef} Expr.
137 FunDef ::= "def" Ident "(" "#" {"," Ident} ")" Expr.
138 Expr ::= "cons" "(" Expr "," Expr ")"
139 | "head" "(" Expr ")"
140 | "tail" "(" Expr ")"
141 | "if" Expr "then" Expr "else" Expr
142 | "self" "(" Smaller {"," Expr} ")"
143 | "eq?" "(" Expr "," Expr")"
144 | "cons?" "(" Expr ")"
145 | "not" "(" Expr ")"
146 | "#"
147 | ":" Ident
148 | Ident ["(" Expr {"," Expr} ")"]
149 | Smaller.
150 Smaller ::= "<head" SmallerTerm
151 | "<tail" SmallerTerm
152 | "<if" Expr "then" Smaller "else" Smaller.
153 SmallerTerm ::= "#"
154 | Smaller.
155 Ident ::= name.
157 The first argument to a function does not have a user-defined name; it is
158 simply referred to as `#`. Again, there would be no real problem if we were
159 to allow the programmer to give it a better name, but more static context
160 checking would be involved.
162 Note that `<if` is not strictly necessary. Its only use is to embed a
163 conditional into the first argument being passed to a recursive call. You
164 could also use a regular `if` and make the recursive call in both branches,
165 one with `:true` as the first argument and the other with `:false`.
167 Examples
168 --------
170 -> Tests for functionality "Evaluate Exanoke program"
172 `cons` can be used to make lists and trees and things.
174 | cons(:hi, :there)
175 = (:hi :there)
177 | cons(:hi, cons(:there, :nil))
178 = (:hi (:there :nil))
180 `head` extracts the first element of a cons cell.
182 | head(cons(:hi, :there))
183 = :hi
185 | head(:bar)
186 ? head: Not a cons cell
188 `tail` extracts the second element of a cons cell.
190 | tail(cons(:hi, :there))
191 = :there
193 | tail(tail(cons(:hi, cons(:there, :nil))))
194 = :nil
196 | tail(:foo)
197 ? tail: Not a cons cell
199 `<head` and `<tail` and syntactic variants of `head` and `tail` which
200 expect their argument to be "smaller than or equal in size to" a critical
201 argument.
203 | <head cons(:hi, :there)
204 ? Expected <smaller>, found "cons"
206 | <tail :hi
207 ? Expected <smaller>, found ":hi"
209 `if` is used for descision-making.
211 | if :true then :hi else :there
212 = :hi
214 | if :hi then :here else :there
215 = :there
217 `eq?` is used to compare atoms.
219 | eq?(:hi, :there)
220 = :false
222 | eq?(:hi, :hi)
223 = :true
225 `eq?` only compares atoms; it can't deal with cons cells.
227 | eq?(cons(:one, :nil), cons(:one, :nil))
228 = :false
230 `cons?` is used to detect cons cells.
232 | cons?(:hi)
233 = :false
235 | cons?(cons(:wagga, :nil))
236 = :true
238 `not` does the expected thing when regarding atoms as booleans.
240 | not(:true)
241 = :false
243 | not(:false)
244 = :true
246 Cons cells are falsey.
248 | not(cons(:wanga, :nil))
249 = :true
251 `self` and `#` can only be used inside function definitions.
253 | #
254 ? Use of "#" outside of a function body
256 | self(:foo)
257 ? Use of "self" outside of a function body
259 We can define functions. Here's the identity function.
261 | def id(#)
262 | #
263 | id(:woo)
264 = :woo
266 Functions must be called with the appropriate arity.
268 | def id(#)
269 | #
270 | id(:foo, :bar)
271 ? Arity mismatch (expected 1, got 2)
273 | def snd(#, another)
274 | another
275 | snd(:foo)
276 ? Arity mismatch (expected 2, got 1)
278 Parameter names must be defined in the function definition.
280 | def id(#)
281 | woo
282 | id(:woo)
283 ? Undefined argument "woo"
285 You can't call a parameter as if it were a function.
287 | def wat(#, woo)
288 | woo(#)
289 | wat(:woo)
290 ? Undefined function "woo"
292 You can't define two functions with the same name.
294 | def wat(#)
295 | :there
296 | def wat(#)
297 | :hi
298 | wat(:woo)
299 ? Function "wat" already defined
301 You can't name a function with an atom.
303 | def :wat(#)
304 | #
305 | :wat(:woo)
306 ? Expected identifier, but found atom (':wat')
308 Every function takes at least one argument.
310 | def wat()
311 | :meow
312 | wat()
313 ? Expected '#', but found ')'
315 The first argument of a function must be `#`.
317 | def wat(meow)
318 | meow
319 | wat(:woo)
320 ? Expected '#', but found 'meow'
322 The subsequent arguments don't have to be called `#`, and in fact, they
323 shouldn't be.
325 | def snd(#, another)
326 | another
327 | snd(:foo, :bar)
328 = :bar
330 | def snd(#, #)
331 | #
332 | snd(:foo, :bar)
333 ? Expected identifier, but found goose egg ('#')
335 A function can call a built-in.
337 | def snoc(#, another)
338 | cons(another, #)
339 | snoc(:there, :hi)
340 = (:hi :there)
342 Functions can call other user-defined functions.
344 | def double(#)
345 | cons(#, #)
346 | def quadruple(#)
347 | double(double(#))
348 | quadruple(:meow)
349 = ((:meow :meow) (:meow :meow))
351 Functions must be defined before they are called.
353 | def quadruple(#)
354 | double(double(#))
355 | def double(#)
356 | cons(#, #)
357 | :meow
358 ? Undefined function "double"
360 Argument names may shadow previously-defined functions, because we
361 can syntactically tell them apart.
363 | def snoc(#, other)
364 | cons(other, #)
365 | def snocsnoc(#, snoc)
366 | snoc(snoc(snoc, #), #)
367 | snocsnoc(:blarch, :glamch)
368 = (:blarch (:blarch :glamch))
370 A function may recursively call itself, as long as it does so with
371 values which are smaller than or equal in size to the critical argument
372 as the first argument.
374 | def count(#)
375 | self(<tail #)
376 | count(cons(:alpha, cons(:beta, :nil)))
377 ? tail: Not a cons cell
379 | def count(#)
380 | if eq?(#, :nil) then :nil else self(<tail #)
381 | count(cons(:alpha, cons(:beta, :nil)))
382 = :nil
384 | def last(#)
385 | if not(cons?(#)) then # else self(<tail #)
386 | last(cons(:alpha, cons(:beta, :graaap)))
387 = :graaap
389 | def count(#, acc)
390 | if eq?(#, :nil) then acc else self(<tail #, cons(:one, acc))
391 | count(cons(:A, cons(:B, :nil)), :nil)
392 = (:one (:one :nil))
394 Arity must match when a function calls itself recursively.
396 | def urff(#)
397 | self(<tail #, <head #)
398 | urff(:woof)
399 ? Arity mismatch on self (expected 1, got 2)
401 | def urff(#, other)
402 | self(<tail #)
403 | urff(:woof, :moo)
404 ? Arity mismatch on self (expected 2, got 1)
406 The remaining tests demonstrate that a function cannot call itself if it
407 does not pass a values which is smaller than or equal in size to the
408 critical argument as the first argument.
410 | def urff(#)
411 | self(cons(#, #))
412 | urff(:woof)
413 ? Expected <smaller>, found "cons"
415 | def urff(#)
416 | self(#)
417 | urff(:graaap)
418 ? Expected <smaller>, found "#"
420 | def urff(#, boof)
421 | self(boof)
422 | urff(:graaap, :skooorp)
423 ? Expected <smaller>, found "boof"
425 | def urff(#, boof)
426 | self(<tail boof)
427 | urff(:graaap, :skooorp)
428 ? Expected <smaller>, found "boof"
430 | def urff(#)
431 | self(:wanga)
432 | urff(:graaap)
433 ? Expected <smaller>, found ":wanga"
435 | def urff(#)
436 | self(if eq?(:alpha, :alpha) then <head # else <tail #)
437 | urff(:graaap)
438 ? Expected <smaller>, found "if"
440 | def urff(#)
441 | self(<if eq?(:alpha, :alpha) then <head # else <tail #)
442 | urff(:graaap)
443 ? head: Not a cons cell
445 | def urff(#)
446 | self(<if eq?(self(<head #), :alpha) then <head # else <tail #)
447 | urff(:graaap)
448 ? head: Not a cons cell
450 | def urff(#)
451 | self(<if self(<tail #) then <head # else <tail #)
452 | urff(cons(:graaap, :skooorp))
453 ? tail: Not a cons cell
455 Now, some practical examples, on Peano naturals. Addition:
457 | def inc(#)
458 | cons(:one, #)
459 | def add(#, other)
460 | if eq?(#, :nil) then other else self(<tail #, inc(other))
461 |
462 | add(cons(:one, cons(:one, :nil)), cons(:one, :nil))
463 = (:one (:one (:one :nil)))
465 Multiplication:
467 | def inc(#)
468 | cons(:one, #)
469 | def add(#, other)
470 | if eq?(#, :nil) then other else self(<tail #, inc(other))
471 | def mul(#, other)
472 | if eq?(#, :nil) then :nil else
473 | add(other, self(<tail #, other))
474 | def three(#)
475 | cons(:one, cons(:one, cons(:one, #)))
476 |
477 | mul(three(:nil), three(:nil))
478 = (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one :nil)))))))))
480 Factorial! There are 24 `:one`'s in this test's expectation.
482 | def inc(#)
483 | cons(:one, #)
484 | def add(#, other)
485 | if eq?(#, :nil) then other else self(<tail #, inc(other))
486 | def mul(#, other)
487 | if eq?(#, :nil) then :nil else
488 | add(other, self(<tail #, other))
489 | def fact(#)
490 | if eq?(#, :nil) then cons(:one, :nil) else
491 | mul(#, self(<tail #))
492 | def four(#)
493 | cons(:one, cons(:one, cons(:one, cons(:one, #))))
494 |
495 | fact(four(:nil))
496 = (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one (:one :nil))))))))))))))))))))))))
498 Discussion
499 ----------
501 So, what of it?
503 It was not a particularly challenging design goal to meet; it's one of those
504 things that seems rather obvious after the fact, that you can just dictate
505 that one of the arguments is a critical argument, and only call yourself with
506 some smaller version of your critical argument in that position. Recursive
507 calls map quite straightforwardly to `for` loops, and you end up with what is
508 essentially a functional version of of a `for` program.
510 I guess the question is, is it worth doing this primitive-recursion check as
511 a syntactic, rather than a static semantic, thing?
513 I think it is. If you're concerned at all with writing functions which are
514 guaranteed to terminate, you probably have a plan in mind (however vague)
515 for how they will accomplish this, so it seems reasonable to require that you
516 mark up your function to indicate how it does this. And it's certainly
517 easier to implement than analyzing an arbirarily-written function.
519 Of course, the exact syntactic mechanisms would likely see some improvement
520 in a practical application of this idea. As alluded to in several places
521 in this document, any actually-distinct lexical items (name of the critical
522 argument, and so forth) could be replaced by simple static semantic checks
523 (against a symbol table or whatnot.) Which arguments are the critical
524 arguments for a particular function could be indicated in the source.
526 One criticism (if I can call it that) of primitive recursive functions is
527 that, even though they can express any algorithm which runs in
528 non-deterministic exponential time (which, if you believe "polynomial
529 time = feasible", means, basically, all algorithms you'd ever care about),
530 for any primitive recursively expressed algorithm, theye may be a (much)
531 more efficient algorithm expressed in a general recursive way.
533 However, in my experience, there are many functions, generally non-, or
534 minimally, numerical, which operate on data structures, where the obvious
535 implementation _is_ primitive recursive. In day-to-day database and web
536 programming, there will be operations which are series of replacements,
537 updates, simple transformations, folds, and the like, all of which
538 "obviously" terminate, and which can readily be written primitive recursively.
540 Limited support for higher-order functions could be added, possibly even to
541 Exanoke (as long as the "no mutual recursion" rule is still observed.)
542 After all (and if you'll forgive the anthropomorphizing self-insertion in
543 this sentence), if you pass me a primitive recursive function, and I'm
544 primitive recursive, I'll remain primitive recursive no matter how many times
545 I call your function.
547 Lastly, the requisite etymological denoument: the name "Exanoke" started life
548 as a typo for the word "example".
550 Happy primitive recursing!
551 Chris Pressey
552 Cornwall, UK, WTF
553 Jan 5, 2013
461461 import doctest
462462 (fails, something) = doctest.testmod()
463463 if fails == 0:
464 print "All tests passed."
464 print("All tests passed.")
465465 sys.exit(0)
466466 else:
467467 sys.exit(1)
472472 try:
473473 prog = p.program()
474474 except SyntaxError as e:
475 print >>sys.stderr, str(e)
475 sys.stderr.write(str(e))
476 sys.stderr.write("\n")
476477 sys.exit(1)
477478 if options.show_ast:
478479 from pprint import pprint
480481 sys.exit(0)
481482 try:
482483 ev = Evaluator(prog)
483 print str(ev.eval(prog))
484 print(str(ev.eval(prog)))
484485 except TypeError as e:
485 print >>sys.stderr, str(e)
486 sys.stderr.write(str(e))
487 sys.stderr.write("\n")
486488 sys.exit(1)
487489 sys.exit(0)
491493 import os
493495 def rpython_load(filename):
494 fd =, os.O_RDONLY, 0644)
496 fd =, os.O_RDONLY, 0o644)
495497 text = ''
496498 chunk =, 1024)
497499 text += chunk
507509 prog = p.program()
508510 ev = Evaluator(prog)
509511 result = ev.eval(prog)
510 print result.__repr__()
512 print(result.__repr__())
511513 return 0
513515 return rpython_main, None
00 #!/bin/sh
2 falderal README.markdown
2 APPLIANCES="tests/appliances/"
4 falderal $APPLIANCES
0 -> Functionality "Evaluate Exanoke program" is implemented by
1 -> shell command "python2 src/ %(test-body-file)"
3 -> Functionality "Evaluate Exanoke program" is implemented by
4 -> shell command "python3 src/ %(test-body-file)"