git @ Cat's Eye Technologies Burro / a8064fc
Improve debugger visualization, again. Chris Pressey a month ago
1 changed file(s) with 31 addition(s) and 30 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
66 import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, evalStateT, get, put, modify)
77 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
88 import System.Environment
910 import Language.Burro.Definition hiding (get, exec, run, interpret)
1011 import qualified Language.Burro.Definition as Burro
1214 -- Debugger state containing indentation level, tape position and Burro state
1315 data DebugState = DebugState {
14 indentLevel :: Int,
16 indents :: [String],
1517 tapePos :: Integer,
1618 burroState :: State
1719 }
2325 x | x >= 0 -> str ++ (replicate x ' ')
2426 _ -> str
26 indentation :: Int -> String
27 indentation n = replicate (n * 4) ' '
28 -- | Visualize the current execution state of the Burro program in a readable way.
29 dump :: Burro -> DebuggerM ()
30 dump p = do
31 ds <- get
32 liftIO $ putStrLn $ showState (burroState ds) (tapePos ds) (indents ds) p
29 -- | Visualize the current execution state of the Burro program in a readable way.
30 dump :: Burro -> String -> DebuggerM ()
31 dump p msg = do
32 ds <- get
33 liftIO $ putStrLn $ showState (burroState ds) (tapePos ds) (indentLevel ds) p msg
35 showState (State tape stack halt) pos indent p msg =
34 showState (State tape stack halt) pos indents p =
3635 let
3736 tapes = ljust 40 $ "(" ++ show tape ++ ")@" ++ show pos
3837 stacks = ljust 20 $ "(" ++ show stack ++ ")"
3938 halts = if halt then "[H]" else "[_]"
40 desc = indentation indent ++ show p ++ " " ++ msg
39 desc = concat (map (\i -> i ++ " ") indents) ++ show p
4140 in
4241 tapes ++ stacks ++ " " ++ halts ++ " " ++ desc
44 withIndent :: DebuggerM a -> DebuggerM a
45 withIndent action = do
46 modify (\s -> s { indentLevel = indentLevel s + 1 })
43 withIndent :: String -> DebuggerM a -> DebuggerM a
44 withIndent x action = do
45 modify (\s -> s { indents = (x:indents s) })
4746 result <- action
48 modify (\s -> s { indentLevel = indentLevel s - 1 })
47 modify (\s -> s { indents = tail $ indents s })
4948 return result
5150 exec :: Burro -> DebuggerM ()
5655 exec Null = do
5756 ds <- get
58 dump Null ""
57 dump Null
6059 exec ToggleHalt = do
6160 ds <- get
62 dump ToggleHalt ""
61 dump ToggleHalt
6362 let State dat stack halt = burroState ds
6463 let newState = State dat stack (not halt)
6564 put ds { burroState = newState }
6766 exec Inc = do
6867 ds <- get
69 dump Inc ""
68 dump Inc
7069 let State dat stack halt = burroState ds
7170 let newState = State (inc dat) stack halt
7271 put ds { burroState = newState }
7473 exec Dec = do
7574 ds <- get
76 dump Dec ""
75 dump Dec
7776 let State dat stack halt = burroState ds
7877 let newState = State (dec dat) stack halt
7978 put ds { burroState = newState }
8180 exec GoLeft = do
8281 ds <- get
83 dump GoLeft ""
82 dump GoLeft
8483 let State dat stack halt = burroState ds
8584 let newState = State (left dat) stack halt
8685 modify (\s -> s { tapePos = tapePos s - 1, burroState = newState })
8887 exec GoRight = do
8988 ds <- get
90 dump GoRight ""
89 dump GoRight
9190 let State dat stack halt = burroState ds
9291 let newState = State (right dat) stack halt
9392 modify (\s -> s { tapePos = tapePos s + 1, burroState = newState })
9594 exec p@(Test thn els) = do
9695 ds <- get
97 dump p "[test]"
96 dump p
9897 let State dat stack halt = burroState ds
9998 let x = Burro.get dat
10099 let (dat', stack') = swap dat stack
102101 let s' = State dat' stack'' halt
103102 put ds { burroState = s' }
105 withIndent $
106 if x > 0 then do
107 dump thn "[then]"
104 if x > 0 then
105 withIndent "[then]" $ do
106 dump thn
108107 exec thn
109 else if x < 0 then do
110 dump els "[else]"
108 else if x < 0 then
109 withIndent "[else]" $ do
110 dump els
111111 exec els
112 else do
113 dump Null "[non]"
112 else do
113 withIndent "[non-]" $ do
114 dump Null
115116 ds' <- get
116117 let State dat'' stack''' halt' = burroState ds'
135136 interpret :: Burro -> IO ()
136137 interpret program = do
137138 let initialState = DebugState {
138 indentLevel = 0,
139 indents = [],
139140 tapePos = 0,
140141 burroState = newstate
141142 }